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Xantinol nicotinate ampoules, tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

05 Jun 2017

Synonyms: Ao Li Ao, Chang Long Qing, Complamin, Complamina, Complamina Retard, Er Fu Mai, Fei Ke Mai Kang, Fu Tong, Hai Fu Wei, Hai Si Bi Da, He Xing, Jingkang, Ksantinola nikotinats, Ksantinolio nikotinatas, Ksantinolio nikotinato, Ni Fen Sa, Nicoplamin, Qia Ke, Sadamin, Sequiton, Tai Wei Tong, Tian Nuo Xin, VEDRIN, Xanidil, Xanthinol Nicotinate - GeneTech, Xanthinol Nicotinate Genetech, Xantinol Nicotinate, Xavin, Xi Mei Xin, Xin Pu Lu Tong, Yan Bi Er, Yi Mei, Yi Ting, Zuo Nuo.

Active substance: Xantinol nicotinate. You can buy Xantinol Nicotinate.

ATC - C04AD02 Xantinol nicotinate.

Pharmacological group – Antiplatelet; Nikotinats; Angioprotektors and proofreaders microcirculation; Vasodilators; Cerebrovascular correctors.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

E78.0 Net hypercholesterolemia;

E78.1 Net hypertriglyceridemia;

G43 Migraine;

H36.0 Diabetic retinopathy (E10-E14 + with common fourth character .3 );

H81.0 Meniere’s Disease;

I25.1 Atherosclerotic heart disease;

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

I70 Atherosclerosis;

I70.2 Atherosclerosis of arteries;

I73.0 Raynaud’s syndrome;

I73.1 thromboangiitis obliterans [ Buerger’s disease ];

I74 embolism and arterial thrombosis;

I77.1 Narrowing of the arteries;

I79.2 Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere;

I80 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis;

L89 Dekubitalnaya ulcer;

L90.8 Other atrophic skin changes;

L98.9 Cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue , unspecified;

P20 Intrauterine hypoxia;

P21 birth asphyxia;

T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region.

Xantinol nicotinate Composition, structure and packing

Solution for injection 15% is colorless and transparent;

Tablets for intake

Xantinol nicotinate Pharmacological action

Means of improving microcirculation combines the properties of theophylline and nicotinic acid . Causes dilation of peripheral blood vessels, improves collateral circulation, improves microcirculation, improves oxygenation and nutrition of tissues. Has antiplatelet effect, activates fibrinolysis processes, improves cerebral blood circulation, reduces blood viscosity.

Enhances oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis. Blocking adenosine receptors and PDE increases cAMP in the cell, stimulates the synthesis of substrate NAD and NADP.

Reducing systemic vascular resistance and increasing myocardial contraction, increases cardiac output and increased cerebral blood circulation, reduces the severity of the consequences of cerebral hypoxia.

Causes nicotin-like syndrome accompanied by hyperesthesia of the nasal mucosa and mouth: sharpens the olfactory and taste sensitivity. In this regard, the smell and the taste offered during the reaction nicotin-like alcoholic drinks and meals perceived as more harsh and unpleasant.

Prolonged use of antiatherosclerotic activates fibrinolysis processes, reduces the concentration of cholesterol and atherogenic lipids, increases the activity of lipoprotein lipase, reduces blood viscosity, reduces platelet aggregation.

Xantinol nicotinate Dosage

Inside, after meals without chewing, - 1 (if necessary 2–4) tablets 3 times a day for 2 months.

VM is administered in a dose of 300–600 mg 1–3 times/day; IV jet injected slowly, in the supine position, in a dose of 300–800 mg 1–3 times/day. For IV drip dose is 150–900 mg.

In severe violations of blood tissue simultaneously with parenteral administration xantinola nicotinate administered orally 300 mg 3 times/day.

Xantinol nicotinate Overdose

Not observed.

Xantinol nicotinate Drug Interactions

While the use of drugs, has a hypotensive effect (beta-blockers, ergot alkaloids, alpha-blockers, sympatholytic, ganglionic), with strofantin possible sharp increase their action.

Xantinol nicotinate at Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Xantinol nicotinate Side effects

Cardio-vascular system: possible decrease in blood pressure, transient feeling of warmth, redness of the skin.

Digestive system: rarely - nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, gastralgii with prolonged use of high doses may increase the level of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase.

Other: weakness, dizziness, prolonged use at high doses can change the tolerance to glucose , increased levels of uric acid in the blood serum.

Xantinol nicotinate Indications

Raynaud’s disease, occlusive disease, atherosclerosis of vessels of the extremities, thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease), diabetic angiopathy, vascular thrombosis and embolism, post-trombophlebitic syndrome, sores legs, difficult to heal wounds, bedsores, cerebrovascular accident, Meniere’s syndrome, atherosclerosis, coronary atherosclerosis cerebrovascular, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, intrauterine and postnatal asphyxia, dermatitis due to violation of the trophic vascular genesis, scleroderma, skleredema Buschke.

Xantinol nicotinate Contraindications

Acute bleeding, acute myocardial infarction , mitral stenosis, congestive heart failure, chronic heart failure decompensation, hypotension, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in acute, acute renal failure , glaucoma, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to xantinol nicotinate.

Xantinol nicotinate Cautions

Be wary when using labile blood pressure.

With careful use concurrently with antihypertensive drugs.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms

With extreme caution in drivers of vehicles, as well as in patients involved in potentially dangerous activities.

Xantinol nicotinate Reviews

Helen, 35 years, "Xantinol nicotinate" 15% - Preparations for the improvement of microcirculation. angioprotectors

Xantinol nicotinate - injection is 15%, is sold in cartons in 2 ml ampoules by 5 or 10 vials. Injections Xantinol nicotinate I appointed a neurologist, when I was the strongest pain from a hernia spine syndrome. In one buttock to me pricked Flamaks to another immediately nicotinate. Of all the shots worse than those I have not experienced. We introduce all the 2 ml syringe, "2", but ... very painful, from the first seconds as the solution begins to enter the muscle begins hellish pain, dull, strong, buttock hardens after injection burns very place and then come the side effects ( in which said manual). Immediately begin to burn her cheeks and fainted, falling straight. My mother after each injection squirted cold water at once and waved a fan. It takes a minute for 3-5. After another half-hour walk or lie cooked and then removed the pain at 1.5 - 2 hours. Why not to relieve pain. That was such a method to me.
Generally, these injections contain theophylline and nicotinic acid and act as follows on the body: extend the peripheral blood vessels, improve blood circulation, incl brain, improve the nutrition of tissues, reduces platelet aggregation...Also according to the instructions here full range side effects: dizziness, decreased blood pressure, general weakness, fever, tingling and redness of the upper body, nausea, anorexia, and diarrhea. According to the instructions, these symptoms usually disappear after 10-20 minutes, and do not require special treatment and discontinuation of therapy with this drug.
Here is such an interesting drug! Assign it as in thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and circulatory disorders, dermatoses, retinopathy, and so on. D.

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