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Why tongue stick to cold metal?

14 Dec 2016

About the heat capacity and thermal conductivity, physical properties of iron, and that is why the language of the winter sticks to seesaw.

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Language sticks winter the cold metal because it is in a normal state of his warm, but metal or ice in the winter - cold. The contact of hot and cold bodies leads to the fact that the heat starts to flow from the hot body to the cold. Accordingly, the language loses its heat, and the metal becomes. The speed of this process is determined by two parameters: the thermal capacity and thermal conductivity. Specific heat determines how much heat is needed to heat the body by one degree, and the thermal conductivity is removed from the point of heating or cooling is supplied to a point at a predetermined temperature difference. The heat capacity of language and iron per kilogram differs slightly, however, a kilogram of iron takes on the order of less volume than a kilogram of language. Therefore, due to the greater weight of the iron pillar swing it requires much more heat to warm up one degree, as opposed to the language. But the thermal conductivity of iron is several hundred times higher than that of the human body.

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What do we have? Iron is able to conduct heat away from the contact point with the language much faster than language - supply heat from the human body. In addition, large metal structures - poles, swing - weigh much more than a man, and able to absorb a huge amount of heat is almost warmed. And then it becomes clear that the situation is bad for the language. He is cool, and very quickly. In addition, language is always wet, and the water film will provide excellent thermal contact between the iron and the language. This layer of water freezes and the first - it is through his iron will select the language in the heat.

First, freeze the water in the surface of the tongue, and then begin to freeze the surface layer of the language of cells - and you are stuck. But the process will not stop and will continue for as long as due to the low thermal conductivity of the tongue frozen heat rejection process in the iron does not slow down so that the person supplied to the heat language will be as much as iron takes over the stood part of the language. But the language still adheres well to how this balance occurs. Stilled language will serve as an insulator, can not completely freeze the whole person - the total heat capacity, for example, an iron pillar or swing on it could well be enough.

Ice formed between the metal surface and still warm part of the language, forms a nice touch - it's an excellent glue. You can verify this by trying to clean swing from ice in winter - ice almost torn off from the metal. The language for the most part consists of water, and have stood the cells are connected with glue well (everyone knows how easy meat freezes for anything in the freezer). And if you're stuck, you need to tear off by sacrificing a part of the language that is frozen. Or you need to find a way to quickly heat the pole or swing ...

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