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Why does a person need to assert himself?

16 Dec 2016

Psychologist dr. Doping tells about self-affirmation at the expense of others, psychoanalyst Alfred Adler and constructive ways of superiority.

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In ordinary speech, ordinary consciousness of "self-assertion" is often associated with negative traits, behavior, aimed at humiliating the other person. The famous psychoanalyst Alfred Adler called a personal affirmation and thought that in this case the value of increasing the I, the self-assessment of who is asserting itself, is done by the depreciation of the person of the Other, that is, in order to assert themselves com. Indeed, you can find a lot of cases, when a person publicly ridiculed, insulted, humiliated, and not for the purpose of his education, and to achieve a sense of self-worth. The object of humiliation are usually people who are inclined to assume the role of victim. For example, it is known that children who survived childhood situation of physical or emotional abuse as adults, continue to bear the stamp of the sufferer, thus, often without realizing it, provoking other people prone to aggression, ill-treated them.

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Assertiveness is not confined only to personal advantage over others. Thus, according to Adler, the man is able not only to personal but also to constructive self-affirmation, that is to superiority over himself. By asking a question about why the person needs to assert itself, we primarily associate the need for a constructive excellence, the desire of man to rise above himself. However, it is not just the development, change, personal growth, when a person changes for the sake of change - it's a meaningful change to the extent that one feels the importance, strengthening its I, expanding its capabilities, gets a new life experience.

In psychology, it is found a lot of paradoxes. One of them is that the more the person asserts his identity, referring to the design excellence processes, the more he values and cherishes other intercourse with them (personal, professional, family, and others.). In other words, self-assertion does not prevent the development of a human social feelings and even contributes to its strengthening. Why is this so? The fact that the constructive self-assertion of the individual human comprehension associated themselves and their possibilities and with the same attitude not only to themselves but to others. In this case, I'm a man I become an equivalent of another person, others by the association with which we obtain the so-called "Reflections" opinion about yourself. Thus, the need for self-affirmation due to the desire of man to self-discovery, to comprehend itself, including through open communication with society.

It is known, however, that the various circumstances of life can prevent this. So, difficult life situations, loss and failure, and largely unexpected and traumatic stressors psyche can make a person vulnerable and reduce his need for self-disclosure and self-affirmation. Human Personality "crystallized" and the potential for development is very limited. According to Nartova-Bochaver, man ceases to feel like this, who live in his time and is in the right place, no longer feel the sovereignty of his psychological space, because the feeling arises only in the course of the progressive development of the individual and his constant assertion value I, Me is as though the backlog person from the previous pace of life, violated the boundaries of psychological space. Instead of looking at myself through the prism of relations with other people, a person begins to attribute to itself uncritically assessment of others, it ceases to be himself.

Constructive self-affirmation creates the conditions for disclosure and confirm the value of the self as the ownership of the values of others, but not reducible to them. Self-affirmation man - is his way to his life-long, which interweaves and overlaps with the life of other people's ways, but which never merges with them completely and not stop halfway.

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