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Why can not I lose weight?

22 Sep 2017

At first glance it seems that to reduce weight, it is enough to reduce food intake and add a little exercise. But it also happens that even with all the requirements, the weight is in place and does not decrease. The reasons can be set and it is necessary to take all of them into account before throwing this venture.

Why can not I lose weight with proper nutrition

For many, a healthy diet consists of making a diet that includes only allowable foods. As a rule, nuts, cereals, dried fruits quickly suppress appetite, and honey is often used as sweets. But this does not mean that if you use only the listed products, you can throw off the extra pounds.

In addition to making a list of acceptable products, it is important to monitor their calorie content, for example, nuts and dried fruits are very caloric. In one handful of almonds there is a third of the calories needed by a person weighing up to 60 kilograms. Accordingly, it is necessary not only to exclude fried dishes and smoked products, but also to reduce the intake of calories of healthy food. This is one of the reasons why you can not lose weight.

The next mistake is too large portions. Even in a plate of fresh salad there will be many calories only due to vegetable oil. For this reason, when preparing dishes, it is important to use measuring spoons and observe the dosage.

There is another reason why one can not lose weight, this is an abuse of dietary nutrition. All sorts of muesli for athletes, ripped yogurt, cubes replacing the broth. All this contains a large number of additives, so they can adversely affect the state of your body. It is better to give preference to special additives with vegetable matter. For weight loss, fat burners are suitable. They have no contraindications and are highly effective.

In order to reduce weight, it is important to understand that eating with the whole family, you will not achieve it. Cook for yourself, observe the meal schedule and cut portions. Then the effect will not keep you waiting.

I'm training, but the weight does not go down

It may also be that you regularly visit the gym, but the weight stands still. In addition to nutrition, the regime of the day can negatively say. Late gatherings do not allow for a good sleep. With a lack of sleep, the body will send signals to replenish energy and this is manifested, as a rule, by an increase in appetite. That's why you can not lose weight, spending most of your time training.

In addition to the above, it is important to understand what exactly you call exercise. Of course, an evening walk in the fresh air will be useful. But it will not give much effect. If the goal is weight loss, you can use the following:

  • Interval training;
  • Cardio;
  • Strength exercises.

It is with their help that you can burn excess fat cells. Simple walking only improves the state of the respiratory system and lifts the mood. As a rule, if all of the above recommendations are followed, weight reduction can be achieved. If this does not happen, you need to help the body.

To normalize the metabolism, you can use fat burners. Thanks to the plant composition they will help you to accelerate metabolism and metabolism, will cause a rush of energy and accelerate the burning of fats. The choice of drugs is very wide. This can be Red Wasp 25, Asia Black-25, Diablos ECA Fire or Hellfire.

An important advantage of dietary supplements is also the fact that the active ingredients have a positive effect on the state of the whole organism. Some drugs improve the potency in men, for example, Simpatoterm Lux, but Neurolipo improves mood and eliminates depression. There are those that enhance libido, improve the condition of the skin and hair and even remove toxins and toxins from the body.

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