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Which is better: GHRP 2 or GHRP 6

10 Nov 2017

Many beginning bodybuilders who are trying to increase the secretion of their own growth hormone, and, in a short period of time, increase strength and stimulate muscle growth, are interested in what is better: GHRP 2 or GHRP 6. Let's try to understand this issue by referring to individual examples of using these drugs.

Comparison of peptides GHRP 2 and GHRP 6

Somatocrinine (GHRP 2) and Hexarelin (GHRP 6) are related functional peptides used in bodybuilding practice to gain muscle mass and increase strength. Being the control elements of the secretion of somatotropin, they literally make the body of an athlete grow and increase in size.

GHRP 6 is the first generation peptide preparation. Increasing the production of its own growth hormone 3-5 times, it simultaneously affects the ghrelin receptors, and the release of ghrelin, thereby significantly increasing appetite. This is an excellent option for those who want to gain weight.

GHRP 2 in its structure and properties is similar to Hexarelin. However, unlike him, he does not cause a strong feeling of hunger, and can be used to get rid of excess weight. However, this drug helps to increase the level of cortisol (a stress hormone), leads to a decrease in hepatic catabolism of aldosterone, stimulating the formation of edema, and also increases the production of prolactin.

It is unambiguous to answer that it is better: GHRP 2 or GHRP 6, is rather difficult, since both peptides are effective enough, and their application gives reliable results. If you want to get the average release of your own growth hormone with a minimum of side effects, choose Hexarelin. If you are not afraid of a severe sense of hunger, and you are not afraid to "podnabrat" water - then the best solution is Somatokrinin. Of course, all this is relatively relative and individual, and a more specific and complete recommendation can only be given by a trainer or a sports doctor, taking into account objective data and the ultimate goal of a bodybuilder.

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