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When it is better to run to lose weight?

18 Oct 2017

Of course, running positively affects the overall well-being and helps to create a slim figure. But how is it better to run so that the effect is maximum. It turns out that not only the technique or speed of running matters here, but also the time when you go for a run. For this reason, before jogging, it is important to find out when it is best to run - in the morning or in the evening, to lose weight.

Advantage of morning runs

The run time depends on your goal. Of course, for those who are trying to just maintain the work of the heart, it will be enough for the evening runs. Before this, it is recommended to drink a glass of sweet tea or eat something sweet. Due to this, you can strengthen the heart muscle and improve the labor of the lungs.

If your goal is to reduce body weight, then you need to run only in the morning. And in the interval between six and eight hours. Only these conditions will help to achieve the following results:

  • increased body temperature;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • increased consumption of glucose in the blood.

The last point is especially important. The fact is that in the morning there is less sugar in the body, in comparison with the evening. Accordingly, when jogging the body will have to expend energy, not derived from glucose, namely from fat stores. This will lead to loss of body weight.

The next important condition is running time. Do not, hope that one kilometer of fast running will give any effect. Most likely, you cheer up, but the body weight will not change. The burning of fats begins 15-20 minutes from the beginning of the run. Accordingly, you should not run fast, but long.

How to increase the effect

Finding out when it is better to run - in the morning or in the evening to lose weight, you can try to look for ways to improve the effectiveness of these classes. In order not to feel fatigue and accelerate the process of burning fat, you can use fat burners. They are safe, since they contain only plant components.

Excellent effect has such supplements as Red Wasp 25, Asia Black-25, Black Mamba Hyperrush, Simpatoterm Lux and so on. They will not only accelerate the process of burning fat, but will also cause a surge of energy, which means you can run much more. At the same time, you will not feel tired, but your mood will remain upbeat. To do this, it is enough to take one capsule before training. If desired, the second dose is taken before lunch.

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