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What will happen if one takes Phenotropil with alcohol?

28 Sep 2016

Phenotropil (phenylpiracetam) - neurometabolic stimulant nootropic action, is the closest relative of piracetam. Has impact on brain activity, improves many processes, including learning, memory, concentration, visual acuity. Invigorates the body for twelve hours, and improves mood. Data on the clinical trials of the drug are virtually absent, but according to popular opinion, Phenotropil and alcohol use, while well tolerated. Should we believe it?

Why Phenotropil is so popular?

In some countries, Phenotropil is not considered a drug because of scientific data proving the effectiveness of the drug is not available or is insufficient. Phenylpiracetam substance is developed in Russia, originally as a psychostimulant for use in outer space, in particular, to increase the endurance of astronauts in orbit and the ability to quickly and accurately cope with the tasks. One of the first drug tried preparing Russian athletes before the competition and speaking on subjects. What Phenotropil included in the list of doping substances banned for use during the Olympic Games, behind the scenes proves its effectiveness.

Features of Phenotropil

Phenotropil stimulates motor skills and reaction movements, increases the interest and ability of the organism to perform it, and also has other effects on the body:

  • Positive effect on human mental activity, the processes of learning and memory that helps increase in the ability to learn.
  • Train your brain to be more resilient during oxygen deficiency in the body, for large and long loads.
  • It eases anxiety, a feeling of fear is removed.
  • It gives a feeling of vitality and freshness of the body, relieves fatigue, adds a self-person, the fallen spirit, restores lost performance and endurance.
  • Effective with muscle cramps.
  • It improves communication between neurons, neurons and other cells, due to the properties of neuromodulatory action.

Unlike Piracetam, Phenotropil molecule is added a phenyl group. It is assumed that this isomer causes a change in the properties of the drug, however, are still not fully understood in this matter. There is evidence that the phenyl in connection with Piracetam, Phenotropil improve the diffusion of the blood-brain barrier, that is a physiological barrier between the blood supply to the body's system and the central nervous system.

How Phenotropil works?

This investigators do not know with 100% certainty, and only express assumptions. There is evidence that Phenotropil stimulates the production of hormones dopamine and serotonin, as well as the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Take the drug is preferably in the morning after a meal, as at late already received will have problems falling asleep, insomnia may occur. The tablet is absorbed from the stomach and the substance is distributed throughout the body. An hour later Phenotropil dose completely concentrated in the blood. In the early times of reception can be observed hypersomnia, so better to start a course at the weekend. This feature will be described below.

This rapid action makes the drug once indispensable if necessary increase the tone of the body and get a burst of energy and concentration, such as during exam or presentation with great presentation, where it is important to keep in mind a lot of things and do not forget anything. Just Phenotropil fit with rubble on the job when you need to submit reports or working on the substitution of the two. The tool is good at removing the symptoms of fatigue and bad mood, but it is worth remembering that this is only an additional stimulation of the body's internal resources. The drug does not replace enough sleep and rest from physical and emotional stress.

When Fenotropil alcohol intersect ...

The question of compatibility of drugs with alcohol is often tormented by almost all the people of our mentality. For us, treatment and drink - not the obvious mutually exclusive. Of course, you want to know how the body works Phenotropil with alcohol when you can sip in a pleasant company, but the desire to remain on his feet (for the sake of what, in fact, and taking medication) prevails. In psychiatric practice Phenotropil used as a tool for comprehensive treatment of chronic alcoholism, which helps smoothing fatigue symptoms, depressed mood, restores alertness.

In small doses (100-150 g of vodka) and the gap between taking Phenotropil and alcohol a few hours, a healthy body does not feel. Hardly unconditionally it means that he will not be harmed. Drinking alcohol during treatment with drugs, always remember about ones liver and kidneys. Even the majority of drugs for diseases of these bodies appoint a dose adjustment or monitoring the performance of their proper functioning. Phenotropil is not metabolized by the liver and excreted from the body unchanged, however, still with the blood passes through it. At this stage of the study drug, to provide guarantees no one shall be taken, although it is believed that Phenylpiracetam low toxicity.

Alcohol + Phenotropil

Since the action of the Phenotropil on the body is not enough studied, the combination with alcohol is also at the stage of establishing empirically. Among the specific instructions in this regard is the following. If the body is exhausted both physically and emotionally, people are often exposed to stressful situations, and recently constantly irritated, everything else have problems with sleep, then at first Phenotropil overthrow man in bed for a rest. And only then begin to act encouragingly. Similarly with alcohol intoxication. Drunk people do not feel the instantaneous tidal forces and not sober, but only feel obsessive desire to lie down to sleep.

Phenotropil + alcohol

Among the sensations that describe people who take Phenotropil before alcohol eve party:

  • drunkenness comes later and on a much larger amount of alcohol;
  • nervousness and irascibility;
  • short-term memory works, "swing", is replaced by the sharp concentration lapses;
  • tics and spasms slack;
  • olfactory hallucinations of smell of fresh fish, the smell of bleach;
  • visual hallucinations in the form of iridescent divorces and deliquescent pictures.

Hangover and Phenotropil

But those who took Phenotropil the morning after partying, if necessary, to go to work, there is a weakening of alcohol actions and improvement of health throughout the 10-12 hours after ingestion. Perhaps these people just a healthy and strong body. As it has already been noted that when initially depressed the central nervous system Phenotropil will have no stimulating effect, and "dump" the person lie down. Everything else, fonturatcetam is frequent combination with alcohol is dangerous intensification of the phenomenon of apoptosis - the process of programmed cell death, in this case neurons. Therefore, as a remedy for hangover Phenotropil is not suitable.

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