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What is the use of Actovegin in sports?

15 Mar 2017

In sport there is a long-standing problem - the problem of hypoxia, when the main goal is to achieve high results. To achieve this goal, drugs - antihypoxic drugs that help reduce hypoxia and actively help increase the resistance of cells to oxygen deficiency.

Actovegin improves the transport and storage of glucose and oxygen (insulin-like effect); The supply of organs and tissues with blood also increases. Ischemic tissue damage is reduced. Metabolism within cells is accelerated. Actovegin improves energy and muscle contractility, serves as an obstacle to the accumulation of lactate in them (hypoxia lactate-lactic acid salt-accumulates, which leads to a disruption of tissue respiration, fatigue, and muscle pain). These unique properties of Actovegin are very helpful to athletes: on how oxygen deficiency in muscle tissues is eliminated, depends the result of training and success in the sport of each athlete. And this, of course, can not but rejoice athletes: they are always looking for ways to deliver oxygen to actively working muscle tissues.

The conducted researches of Actovegin on professional athletes showed: intravenous infusion of 20% solution of actovegin increases aerobic performance, which allows to increase the time of exercising at the maximum possible power.

It has been proved in the course of clinical studies that the effect of ACTOVEGIN on special performance at distances of 1500 and 10 000 m is manifested in improving the athletic result without a marked increase in the intensity of metabolism.

It is believed and proven that the use of ACTOVEGIN 7-10 days before the onset of shock microcycles (or competitions) and throughout their endurance sports can substantially increase the rate of post-loading recovery.

Actovegin is a preparation containing low molecular weight peptides and amino acid derivatives.
Actovegin, being a hemoderivat, which is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds with a molecular weight of less than 5000 daltons), contains only physiological substances.
At the molecular level, Actovegin causes an increase in the utilization and consumption of oxygen (increases resistance to hypoxia), increases energy metabolism and glucose intake. The total effect of all these processes is to enhance the energy state of the cell, especially in conditions of insufficiency.

Extract of blood (Actovegin) stays in body.

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