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What is Bromantane?

07 Aug 2018

In those not too distant years, bromantane was not among the drugs banned by the International Anti-Doping Committee. Since initially nobody knew about him except the Russians.

The computer during the doping tests recorded the presence in the blood of athletes of some unknown and, of course, an unpreserved drug. They did not pay attention to this: they could get a normal aspirin. But it was far from aspirin.


Scientific name: 2-adamantyl-parabramyl-analysine.

To a group of so-called actoprotectors - drugs of different groups, which increase the body's defenses.

Bromantane was developed by Soviet military physicians as a means of increasing overall immunity, endurance of man. Including in the heat. According to some reports, it was created specifically for use in Afghanistan.

In preparation for the Olympics-96 in Atlanta, Bromantane was recommended by science to athletes of all federations and all countries. And a year before the Games, when the Anti-Doping Service of the IOC began to find an "unknown substance" in the urine of athletes (not only ours), Russian representatives presented the doctors all the necessary documentation for the Bromantane. There were no objections.

However, 15 days before the Olympics in Atlanta, Bromantane is suddenly added to the restricted list. It was found that the drug also has a psychostimulating effect. In addition, he disguises the use of steroids: all standard doping procedures that the IOC practiced turned out to be ineffective when bromantane was taken.

Whoever suffered from Bromantane
In Atlanta, sixteen Russian athletes fell under the "Bromantane" suspicion, of which seven were disqualified. Including two prize-winners - wrestler Zafar Guliyev and swimmer Andrey Korneev. The scandal was hushed up, arguments were found: the bromantane was banned on the very eve of the Games, and there was still no strong scientific evidence that he was a doping agent. The Russians appealed to sports arbitration and, strangely enough, won the case. Disqualification of athletes was abolished by the judiciary.

But the six-time Olympic champion skier Lyubov Egorova could not be defended. After winning the race at 5 kilometers at the World Championships-97 in Trondheim, she was "pumped" two years of disqualification - a fee for the use of bromantane, which was finally added to the list of banned stimulants.

The drama of Yegorova turned out to be instructive, the "bromantane" scandals stopped. The more surprising results (if they will not be refuted) of doping tests by Yegor Titov. After all, the use of such a well-known prohibited drug is, if you like, a bad tone. Egor himself could not have known this. But he did not take the fatal remedy on his own initiative?

Expert Opinion
In the hierarchy of terrible doping from international experts, Bromantane is in the top position. But not because he is very active and effective, but because he heard a lot about Bromantane. Mysterious military drug, and, apparently, because of him, the Russians are so good and perform in different sports. But there is certainly no medical data about some unique effectiveness of this drug. According to the latest information, it does not work. It's more of a legend than a drug. What does not prevent Bromantane from being such a scarecrow for anti-doping services.

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