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What drugs are not compatible with alcohol?

22 Mar 2019

1. Antibiotics.

As you know, antibiotics are processed by the liver, and the liver just cleanses our body of alcohol. So, we strike her twice.

What drugs are not compatible with alcohol

Drugs incompatible with alcohol

2. Means for lowering blood pressure.

Although most modern means for lowering blood pressure are quite compatible with alcohol, many use old drugs, for example, clonidine. The fact is, when taking this medicine after alcohol, too much hypnotic effect may occur.

3. Vascular tools.

Some vascular tools. for example, cinnarizine, enhance the effect of alcohol.

4. Means from seizures.

When taking anticonvulsants after taking alcohol, usually there is drowsiness, inhibition, pain in the abdomen, nausea, allergic reactions.

5. Antiallergic agents - cause drowsiness, blocking, headache

6. Antidepressants - cause drowsiness and headache.

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