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Vinstrol - stanosolol

03 Nov 2016

Vinstrol (action substance - stanosolol) is the anabolic steroid which is released in tablets and solution for injections (vinstrol depot). Vinstrol has been developed in 1962 in Winthrop Laboratories. It is a synthetic steroid, derivative dihydrotestosterone the approved FDA for use by people (initially stanosol has been developed for use at animal (horses)). Stanosolol is an antagonist of progesterone. There are data that medicine protects from progestagenvaction of nandrolon. In difference from the majority of injection forms stanosolol represents water suspension.

Synonyms: Strombafort, Stanover, Nabolik, Stanazolik, Strombadzhekt, Stromba, Menabol, Stanol, Terabon, Tsetabon, etc.

Vinstrol in tablets has high bioavailability and stability (doesn't collapse in a liver when passing) thanks to alkilny group in alfa-17 positions, however it does stanosol in tablets toxic for a liver. However, the injection form is also not deprived of this shortcoming, the difference in toxicity and bioavailability of both forms of a steroid is minimum.

Strombafort from Balkan

Strombafort Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Stanozolol

Strombafot (water solution in ampoules) from the Balkans of Pharm

Strombaject Balkans of Pharm stanozolol

Vinstrol is one of the safest steroids for women as has low androgenic activity though virilization and masculinization still remain probable.

Vinstrol tablets, Stanozolol

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 320% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 30% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - isn't present
  • Way of reception - an injection and in tablets
  • Toxicity for a liver - moderate, equally for the injection and tableted forms
  • Elimination half-life - 9-24 hours (action duration up to 2 days)
  • Detection time - from 340 to 360 days.

Historical information

Stanozolol was developed by the Winthrop Laboratories company in 1962 under trademark Vinstrol. Initially medicine was created for treatment of anemia, heritable hypostasis, acceleration of recovery after transactions, and also for application in veterinary science for increase in muscle bulk, stimulation of blood formation, strengthening of bones and stimulation of appetite of the weakened or sick animals.

A little later medicine began to be applied actively on running horses, to increase in high-speed indicators. Athletes of bodybuilding and other strength sports quickly paid attention to it, having begun to apply vinstrol with purpose. One of the Best drug is Cogitum.

Effects of vinstrol

Vinstrol in bodybuilding is very popular as its action differs from the majority of steroids. Medicine slightly influences body weight, however gives to muscles relief, strengthens venous and burns fat therefore it is applied generally during rates of "drying".

  • Relief of muscles - one of the main effects of stanosolol.
  • Significant increase in force and endurance - valuable effect in powerlifting and track and field athletics.
  • Combustion of fat.
  • Appetite strengthening.
  • Removal of excess liquid from an organism
  • According to scientific tests, oral stanosolol in number of 0,2 mg on a kilogram of weight of the athlete lowers the level of the globulin connecting anabolic hormones for 50%. It means that efficiency of acceptance of other steroids in a combination with stanosolol considerably will increase.
  • Availability of anti-estrogenic and antiprogestagen effect (competitive inhibition of receptors of progesterone) is supposed

Side effects of vinstrol

Medicine isn't converted into estrogen therefore doesn't cause such ghost effects as ginekomastia and hypostases.

Side effects on origin frequency:

  • Large joint pains and injury of ligaments are the most frequent complications. For minimization of risk stanosolol is necessary to combine with testosterone and a sound board. In more detail here. Also special components are applied to ligaments and joints.
  • Rise of arterial pressure - is eliminated with reception of hypotensive means (enalaprit).
  • Increase in level of cholesterol  - is eliminated with reception an omega-3 or others means (lovastatin, atorvastatin, etc.) during course. 
  • Painful injections - this ghost effect of vinstrol is peculiar only to the injection form (vinstrol - depot).
  • As vinstrol is derivative DGT, androgenic ghost effects are possible: a hair loss on the head, an acne, suppression of framing of own testosterone and so forth.
  • Toxicity for a liver - is shown at the expense of alpha 17 - alkylations. In a research on dogs the expressed protective action was shown by extract of a thistle (gepatoprotektor). 
  • Myocardium hypertrophy - especially in case of high doses. 

Read in more detail: Ghost effects of steroids and how to reduce harm.

Course of vinstrol (stanozolol)

Solo course of vinstrol is conducted by athletes for receipt of relief and venoznost, and also increase in power indicators. In other words, this rate will suit people who have sufficient body weight with moderate content of fat.

The optimum dosage of vinstrol constitutes 30-50 mg in tablets or injections every day. Athletes and boxers use, as a rule, lower doses - about 10 mg/days.

Duration of a rate constitutes about 4-6 weeks. In case of increase in duration of a cycle the risk of the side effects first of all touching joints increases.

After the termination of a rate, in 2-3 days carrying out PCT is necessary.

For receipt of the maximum effect accept sports food for a relief.

It is necessary to notice that many experienced athletes recommend to use stanosolol only in combination with testosterone. Such approach allows reducing risk of side effects, in particular, considerably reduces probability of adverse effect on joints: testosterone detains liquid in an organism, without allowing being dehydrated an articulate bag. Besides, testosterone can considerably will increase efficiency of a rate of vinstrol.

Combined course of vinstrol

Depending on desirable result the combined rate of stanozolol is under construction. For a set of muscle bulks include stronger androgens in a rate, for example, testosterone, metandrostenolon or anapolon. In this case vinstrol will balance a rate, creating good anabolic effect and reducing estrogenic effect of other medicines. In this case it is necessary to include aromatasia inhibitors in a course, Nolvadeks or Klomid are applied to post course therapy. As a result of the correct combination it is possible to achieve a considerable surplus of muscle bulk with much smaller delay of liquid and fat.

Before competitions or during a diet for weight loss Vinstrol it is possible to combine with not flavored androgen, such as trenbolone. Such combination as practice shows, gives relief and hardness to muscles what many athletes aim at.

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