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01 Dec 2016

Vinpocetine is the vasodilating means improving mainly brain blood circulation. Causes a small lowering of arterial pressure, expansion of vessels of a brain, strengthening of blood supply and improvement of supply of a brain with oxygen and nutrients. Increases resistance of cells of a brain to a hypoxia, facilitating transport of oxygen and substrata of energy providing to fabrics (owing to reduction of affinity to it of erythrocytes, strengthening of absorption and metabolism of glucose, its switching to energetically more profitable aerobic direction).

Vinpotsetine promotes accumulating in tsAMF and ATP fabrics (braking of fosfodiyesteraza and stimulation of an adenilattsiklaza), to increase in content of catecholamines in brain tissues. Vasodilating action is connected with the direct relaxing impact on smooth muscles of vessels mainly of a brain. Vinpotsetine doesn't cause a phenomenon of "burglarizing", first of all strengthens blood supply of ischemic area of a brain, without changing at the same time blood supply of intact areas. Improves microcirculation in a brain due to reduction of aggregation of platelets, decrease in viscosity of blood, increase in flexibility of walls of erythrocytes. Do not forget take Libidon for better results. 

The evidential base

In 2003 only three controlled clinical tests of Vinpocetinum where its effect on memory at elderly people was investigated were carried out. The received results were promising, however same year Cochrane review established that results can't be regarded as reliable.

Vinpocetinum in a sports delivery

Vinpocetinum is quite often added to a sports delivery, especially to pretraining complexes as a component the improving blood stream and a delivery of sceletal muscles. Nevertheless efficiency of Vinpocetinum has under itself no evidential base. Action of Vinpocetinum on young people was investigated only once in 1985, however short terms and insufficient quantity investigated (12 people) do results unconvincing.

"Attention" isn't obtained any data on advantage of Vinpocetinum in bodybuilding and other sports Now. Theoretically, Vinpotsetin can be useful in the complexes including coffeine and other stimulators as it is capable to reduce arterial pressure.

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