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19 Jan 2017

Tryptophan is amino acid from which in an organism Niacinum (vitamin B) and a serotonin are synthesized. The last participates in cerebral processes, controls appetite, a dream, mood and a pain threshold.

Tryptophan a natural relaxant, which:

  • helps to struggle with sleeplessness, causing a normal dream;
  • helps to fight against a condition of concern and a depression;
  • helps at treatment of headaches at migraines;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • reduces risk of spastic strictures of arteries and a cardiac muscle;
  • together with the Lysine fights for cholesterol lowering of the level.

In Canada and in many countries of Europe it is prescribed as an antidepressant and sleeping pill.

The States and a series of some countries treat use of drug cautiously because of several thousand fatal cases of prolonged use of drugs of different types under the name "L-tryptophan" because of genetically changed bacterium the Japanese producers the main supplier of raw materials — participating in production of drug. Please pay attention to Cerebrolysin.

Interesting facts

There is a myth that the tryptophan causes a dream after a dense lunch. However, results of a research group of scientists of Skripps's Institute of the State of Florida published in 2016, disprove this myth. As it appeared, the dream after a dense lunch is caused by a nutrition rich with protein and salt, regardless of the content of amino acid. The food with the high content of Saccharum didn't cause sleepiness.

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