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22 Nov 2016

Tribulustan is the dietary supplement which was earlier issued on the basis of Tribulus terrestris. Due to Tribulus's prohibition, obviously, the structure had to be changed and new additive received the name Tribulustan +. The most part of effects won't be approved with independent researches, obvious discrepancies between advertizing of the producer and real action are revealed. Actively moves ahead in sport and bodybuilding, however according to our data has mainly negative feedbacks.


Compositions of Tribulustan additives, Tribulustan + are developed by the LLC Inter-S company under the leadership of the specialist in the field of medical botany A. P. Efremov, the author of several books in botany.

Participate professional athletes among whom in advertizing of medicine:

  • Nikolay Vitkevich is the Vice-president of the Russian Association of Arm sport (also often advertizes other inefficient additives, such as Leveton)
  • Alexey Tyukalov is the Russian armlifter,
  • Alexander Boyarov is the World champion and Russia on an armlifting,
  • Igor Pedan is the strongest person of Russia, the Champion of the Guinness Book of Records

Description of the producer

Tribulustan plus is created especially for those who care for the health! Surprising vegetable additive which effectively recovers hormonal balance at women and men naturally. Contains the vegetable saponina of furostan class known for the efficiency in Europe, America, Russia and Asia.

"Tribulustan +" has the all-toning effect and increases sexual function. Strengthens an erection and a libido. Has gipolipidemic effect: reduces the level of cholesterol and lipoproteid of the low density (LPNP). Accelerates growth of muscle bulk and improves function of a reproductive system. At men recovers and improves sexual desire, prolongs an erection. Stimulates formation of new spermatozoa, increasing their mobility.


  • For athletes for the purpose of increase in force and increase in muscle bulk.
  • Male infertility, gipogonadism.
  • Impotence (the lowered libido and erectile dysfunction).
  • The raised cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia).
  • Frigidity.
  • Prostatitis
  • Climax (climacteric syndromes).
  • As all-tonic for removal of fatigue and a depression.

Declared effects

  • Increases development and level of testosterone
  • Stimulates reproductive functions of a reproductive system and growth of muscle bulk.
  • Strengthens a sexual passion, extends erection time.
  • Stimulates a spermatogenesis, increasing quantity of spermatozoa and their mobility.
  • Reduces general cholesterol (lipoproteid of low density of LPNP)
  • Has the all-toning effect in case of physical and emotional activities.

Structure of tribulustan

Packaging: 90 tablets of a round, biconvex form covered with a film cover, brown color weighing 600 mg. Serving size: 3-20 tablets a day

As biologically active ingredients in Tribulustan + are used:

  • Dry extract of a goryanka Korean – 25 mg
  • Dry extract of a fenugreek hay – 100 mg
  • Dry extract of a dioskorea – 25 mg
  • Powder of rhizomes of ginger medicinal - 150 mg

The excipients used when tabletting, which do not have biological activity also are a part: lactose, MKTs, stearate of calcium, primelloz.

Application instruction in sport

For athletes Tribulustan plus is recommended to be accepted within 3 weeks on the accruing dosage from 2 to 10 tablets in day, having distributed reception of tablets on 2-3 times a day. Tribulustan plus is accepted 2–3 times a day together with food.

Lengthening of a course of reception up to 5 weeks with increase in a dosage to 20 tablets in day is possible. After a course of reception at least 2 weeks are obligatory to take a break. Then to repeat a course according to the same scheme. The provided scheme of reception can be used throughout a long time (several years) without fear to do harm to health. Athletes with a big weight (over 90 kg) can increase a dosage by 1.5 times.

Feedbacks of the expert

Research of efficiency (report)

Tribulustan plus - the next product of national production which according to Sportviki's experts doesn't match the declared description at all. The name of additive (termination "camp") is given by an allusion to anabolic steroids, hinting at powerful anabolic action. In case of in-depth examination of structure becomes obvious that additive has extremely low performance. Better take Cerebrolysin.

Explanatory note

In official group the explanatory note with exact composition of medicine and specifying of doses of components is placed. Let's consider everyone separately:

Goryanka Korean – 25 mg. Active agents: icariin, has the proved efficiency, improves erectile function and increases testosterone secretion. Even in case of the highest concentration of extract the minimum and effective dose constitutes 400 mg. "Attention" It means that it is once necessary to take at least 20 pill! Most often in additives % extracts 10 and 20 are used that increases a single dose even more.

Dry extract of a fenugreek hay – 100 mg. Active agents: diosgenin has salutary effect on a female body, but it is extremely undesirable to men as possesses estrogenic action. The producer tried to make tribulustan applicable for women, but it does him inapplicable for men. Protodiostsin - contains in extremely low concentration. In a research of 2011 it was revealed that the fenugreek hay doesn't exert impact on testosterone level.

Dry extract of a dioskorea – 25 mg, (active agents: diosgenin, diostsin, aglicon). Diostsin possesses some antineoplastic action, aglicon has also no relation to the declared description. It is obvious that this component intended for achievement of the all-revitalizing action and decrease in cholesterol. "Attention" In a new research was proved that extract of dioscorea reduces fertile function (suppresses formation of sperm) at men and increases concentration of estrogen.

Powder of rhizomes of ginger medicinal - 150 mg, (active agents: gingerola and shogaola). Certainly are useful, but have no relation to anabolic processes of an organism and sexual function, about it there are no references in bases of scientific articles and literature at all. Moreover, it is powder of rhizomes (not extract) that speaks about extremely low content of active agents.

In confirmation of the aforesaid we will give excerpts from the report on medical and pharmacological research of additive to food Tribulustan + on influence on efficiency of athletes:

"Significant and reliable changes of the biochemical indicators confirming strengthening anabolic and reduction of catabolic processes during acceptance Tribulustan + wasn't revealed..."

"... has insignificant anabolic effect (growth of muscle bulk, force and endurance of muscles)."

The research isn't blind or double, without placebo control therefore contains data on increase in physical working capacity and some other positive effects, however big often from them keeps within effect of placebo (generally have psycho-emotional character). For this reason work doesn't keep within modern scientific standards, however all the same is indicative, measurement of biochemical indicators was so carried out.

Also the producer cites as an example article published in the IronWorld popular entertainment magazine. The clinical case with one patient who has an infertility is considered and testosterone level is lowered. After acceptance of Tribulustan levels of hormones were normalized, spermogram returned to normal, the libido, a potentiality, an erection was recovered, infertility disappeared. There is a number of positive reviews and conclusions of various sports federations. Once similar stories trust or not, to solve to you. In researches efficiency isn't proved.

Confirmation of unfitness of additive in sport, in our opinion, are numerous negative feedbacks of athletes. Feedbacks are available on the majority bodybuilding of forums. This article doesn't apply for the ultimate truth and expresses only a value judgment supported with independent scientific data.

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