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16 Jan 2017

Tribestan is a medicine for normalization of lipid range of blood and treatment of violations of erectile function, created from vegetable components. Tribestan is made by the Bulgarian firm of Sofarm.

Basis of tribestan is protodiostsin, a the substance emitted from Yakortsov creeping (Tribulus terrestris).

Analogs: Tribulustan, Verona


Each tablet of tribestan contains:

Dry Tribulus terrestris extract - 250 mg (containing furostanolon saponina at least 112.5 mg);

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide colloidal, is seen, crospovidon, magnesium stearate, talc, opadray.

Declared effects

  • fatty exchange and consequently, the amount of cholesterol in blood goes down amplifies;
  • coagulability, density, blood decreases; the general tone raises; sexual function amplifies. And, at men products of testosterone and hormone increase that makes active a libido, strengthen an erection and increase its time,
  • increases development of spermatozoa and increases their mobility. At women this substance stimulates increase in hormone and estradiol in this connection: a sexual passion amplifies, reproductive function is recovered, the general condition in the climacteric period, including, come owing to transaction improves.

Feedbacks about Tribestan

It is established that the medicine Tribestan has the all-toning effect and stimulates some of functions of a reproductive system. At men recovers and strengthens a libido and improves an erection, shows the stimulating influence on a spermatogenesis, increasing quantity and mobility of spermatozoa. At women medicine also improves a libido and favorably influences vasomotorial manifestations in case of natural and reduces subjective claims: sleeplessness, general concern, irritability and apathy.

Initially tribestan was positioned as gipolipidemic agent for cholesterol depression, however couldn't compete with other more effective drugs statins. Influence of tribulustan on lipid range of a blood is poorly studied and has low evidential level.

After the ban on free sale of dietary supplements with tribul demand for pharmaceutical drugs sharply increased. Since 2013 tribestan began to move ahead forcedly in sport through sports federations of power lifting and bodybuilding.

It was initially supposed that the prevailing drug bond protodiostsin is metabolized in an organism to a degidroepiandrosteron and its sulphatic Aether, rendering various physiological effects in an organism and being a transitional link in cholesterol metabolism at formation of steroid hormones. It is known that cholesterol is initial bond for synthesis of all steroids, including dihydroepiandrosteron, testosteron and oestradiolum.

Application in mono therapy of impotence for men, erectile dysfunctions

Vectors And. with colleagues have conducted in 1982 a research at 107 patients at the age of 16 – 60 years. At 33 of them also changes of sperm gram have been established to varikotsela; at 14 – decrease in a libido; at 36 – a prostate gland inflammation; at 13 – early climacteria at 4 – a hypotrophy of testicles and at 7 – an idiopathic azoospermia. At patients with oligo-and an azoopermia unsuccessful treatment is carried out by the medicine Proviron.

Tribestan appointed in doses from 40 to 120 mg a day (3 times on 1 or 3 times on 2 tablets a day) during the period from 1 to 3 months. At all patients with the varikotsel and violations of sperm gram increase in volume of an eyaculyat on average on 1,2 ml was observed. At 11 patients (33%) quantity of spermatozoa (one million/ml) has increased statistically significantly. Mobility of spermatozoa has changed from 3.95% to 33.09%. At 14 patients with the lowered libido treatment by Tribestan is carried out by the dose of 1.5 mg divided into 3 receptions. At 12 of them increase in a libido has been noted in 30 days, at one – through 60, and at one influence it hasn't been noted. You can also like Bronhalamin.

Results of treatment of patients with chronic prostatitis and the lowered libido (36 people) after treatment by Tribestan in doses 3 times a day on 2 tablets show:

Substantial increase of libido at 15 patients after end of a course of treatment (the general dose from 90 to 100 g).

In 12 cases (35%) rather good increase in a libido was observed.

At 9 patients whose duration of a disease exceeded 5 years the effect at treatment Tribestan hasn't been established.

"Attention" However independent researches on young men showed that Tribulus terrestris doesn't influence the level of testosteron, luteinizing hormone and doesn't influence androgenic receptors of muscles. [3] Also there is a research which showed that this additive is useless for augmentation of force and muscle bulk.

In conclusion authors note:

After treatment by Tribestan clinical improvements were observed to 55% of total number of patients.

At 33% of patients with disturbance of a spermatogenesis improvement is noted.

Tribestan is well transferred and during treatment side effects of drug weren't observed.

There is a series of the sources indicating success of use of drugs of extract of the yakorts creeping at similar symptoms during clinical trials.

Comparison with placebo

Arsyad K.M. applied an analog of Tribestan is the drug Libilov in a dose 3 times a day on 1 tablet within 30 days at 15 men with a diabetes mellitus. Other group consisting of 15 patients of the same age received placebo. As a result of a research improvement of the general state, erection, ejaculation and orgasm at the patients accepting extract of creeping while at control group of change of these parameters weren't taped [9] was established.

Doses and the scheme of reception

Usual dose 1-2 tablets of Tribestan 3 times a day after food. For conservation of long medical effect it isn't necessary to stop treatment sharply. It is necessary to pass to maintenance doses approximately within a month after a basic course of treatment. That is: to gradually reduce quantity of tablets and frequency of reception to one tablet a day.

Other indications to use

  • Male sterility. To accept within 5 months according to the scheme: 1 month on 2 tablets 3 times a day during food, 3 months on 1 tablet 3 times a day, 15 days on 1 tablet 2 times a day and 15 days on 1 tablet once a day.
  • Impotency. To accept 3 times a day on 2 tablets within 60 days, 15 days – 2 times a day 2 tablets and then – a maintenance dose (also within 15 days) – on one tablet a day. Course duration – 90 days.
  • Erectile dysfunction. To accept 3 times a day on 2 tablets within 60 days.
  • Prostatitis. To accept 3 times a day on 2 tablets within 60 days in combination with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the started cases repetition of a course of reception is required.
  • Varikotsele. To accept during from one to three months depending on disease severity and in doses: 3 times a day on 1 tablet or 3 times a day on 2 tablets during food. At an inflammation of a prostate to accept in addition antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Hypogonadism. To accept 3 times on 2 tablets a day after food to men with primary and secondary hypogonadism. Duration of reception is defined by disease severity. Criterion of efficiency of reception of extract is the possibility of commission of an ejaculation.
  • Astenozoospermia. Astenozoospermia in combination with oligo-both teratozoospermia, and an azoospermism. To accept extract of the creeping according to the following scheme: 1 tablet 3 times a day – 2 months, 15 days – 1 tablet 2 times a day and 15 days – 1 tablet once a day during food. At azoospermism to accept according to the scheme: 2 tablets 3 times a day – 1 month, 1 tablet 3 times a day-1 month, 1 tablet 2 times a day – 15 days and 1 tablet once a day – 15 days.
  • The raised cholesterin (dislipoproteinemiya). To accept 3 times a day 2 tablets during food within 90 days.

Side effects

Overdose cases Tribestan are noted by medicine. Professional athletes accept up to 60 tablets a day without manifestation of side effects, violations of health and hormonal balance.

From a gastrointestinal tract there can be nausea and disorder of digestion. At the same time it is necessary to reduce a dose or it is temporary (for 2-3 days) to stop medicine reception. Allergic reactions are possible.

Tribestan can strengthen effect of diuretics and exponentiation hypertensive effect of means.

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