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Training for Stamina Development

19 Oct 2016

Starting work on the development stamina, you must adhere to a specific sequence of building workouts.

At the initial stage it is necessary to focus on the development of aerobic capacity, improving the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthening the locomotor system, ie, development of general endurance.

In the second step should increase loads in the mixed aerobic-anaerobic mode.

The third step to increase loads due to more intense exercise performed by the methods of interval and re-work in a mixed aerobic-anaerobic and anaerobic conditions, and selective effects on the individual components of special endurance.

Endurance development - an important part of their all-round fitness. Children are well adapted to the aerobic nature, with the result that they have increased the possibility of the oxygen transport system, adults should do it more gradually. Childhood and adolescence is the most favorable for the improvement of general endurance. During this period, the foundations are laid for subsequent workouts with a large volume and high intensity.

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Teens 13 -16 years, the level of overall physical performance uneconomical due to the functioning of the cardiovascular system is lower than that of children of 10-12 years, and even 7-9 years. In this connection it is necessary to strictly metered load, aimed at the development of endurance, and prevent the formation of training groups of children with different training experience.

The systematic use of training tasks, a significant challenge to the speed endurance, can be justified only in adults in the presence of a well-developed general endurance. This does not mean that young athletes in training can not be character anaerobic exercise, but the amount of them should not be significant. To increase speed endurance used: cross-sections of 200 to 800 meters, running uphill, relay, overcoming the obstacle course, shuttle run, game exercises.

Exercises should meet the following requirements:

Large (HR 160 -180 beats / min.) and submaximal (heart rate of 180 beats / min.) rate;

Duration of 30 seconds to 2 minutes;

Rest intervals, continuously decreasing, from 3 - 5 minutes to 1 minute between reps and up to 10 minutes between series, leisure - passive;

The number of repetitions in a series of 3 - 5, the number of series - 1 - 3. Exercises for development of endurance it is advisable to plan for the second part of the class.

Effective means of general endurance of children is long-running, cross-country races, games and game tasks. Most commonly used in running a uniform rate to a relatively low speed, the length of which gradually increases from 5 to 30 -8 - 60 min.

In sports activities with children can have the following amounts of the running load: 11 - 12 years - up to 12 km in the same class, for teens 13 -14 years - up to 18 km.

For the development of endurance training are widely used tools that enable significantly improve the functionality of the body without the use of a large volume of work, as close as possible to the nature of competitive activity.

The main methods of endurance training are: a uniform training method, various types of AC, gaming and circular techniques. You should not give preference to any one method of training endurance. They should be optimally combined during the preparation period. In the process of education of general endurance great attention should be paid to the circular method, which allows you to effectively develop and movement quality, and also provides high density and emotional training. The circular method is useful to combine with running in different versions, particularly in the gaming and competitive forms. It also allows you to personalize the amount of load.

When you exercise, aimed at raising the general endurance, should focus on the following five components of the load:

  • Exercise intensity (speed of movement);
  • Duration of the exercise;
  • Duration of rest;
  • Nature of the rest;
  • Number of repetitions distance segments.

As general endurance levels increase more and more attention paid to the development of special endurance - ability to perform a specific load during a time of limited specialization. This is possible thanks to overcome changes in the internal environment of an organism, in accordance with an individual athlete resistance to fatigue. Methods for the development of special endurance is selected according to the athlete's specialization. The main methods are: variable, interval, repeated, competitive.

One of the most important tasks of development of special endurance is to increase the anaerobic capacity of the organism, which is achieved by passing a holistic competitive distance or repeated performance of competitive exercise.

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