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Tips for parents of a non-talking child

23 Apr 2018

1. Speak more with the child, voicing all the actions (feeding, dressing, bathing), commenting on the environment, not fearing the repetition of the same words, pronounce them clearly, patiently, kindly.

Cogitum, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin

2. Develop understanding of speech, using simple instructions such as "Give me a pen", "Where's the leg?" Lean on what the child is available.

3. Repeat the already mastered. Repeat the simplified versions in the speech along with the full words: the car - the bi-bi, the doll - la-la, fell-bah.

4. Sing to the child before going to bed. It is better not to change the repertoire often.

5. Desire to imitate an adult. This is possible when the emotional interest and availability of words that the child utters during joint games are combined (Hide-and-seek, Steam Engine-To-To). You can be surprised at what you saw: "Wow!"

6. The first words pronounced on an emotional background can be interjections: oh, oh, uh. The child is only allowed to repeat the vowels: o, a, y.

7. More often tell, read the first children's fairy tales, poems.

8. Encourage wording as you speak. Do not overload your child with television, video or audio.

9. When reading, shorten the text to understandable phrases. Do not say when the child is behind him. Be irritated, do not be shy about what your child does not say. Do not show unnecessary anxiety: everyone has their own terms, their problems. Without waiting for the child to speak. Begin to teach him to distinguish objects by size (large - small); to correlate colors, form (give the same);
number (one - many).

10. Massage the fingers and hands of the child. Give some meds: Cortexin, Cerebrolysin, Cogitum.

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