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Thistle for cleaning the liver

28 Aug 2017

Grass thistle for the liver is considered an effective tool for the prevention of cirrhosis. This biennial plant from the family of Compositae includes active components (silymarins), which protect the organ from pathological changes and the development of severe dysfunction.

Milk thistle composition

Milk thistle cleanses the liver of harmful substances and reduces the harmful effects of alcohol. The fruits of this valuable plant contain:

  • Silymarin and siligermine;
  • Proteins and sterols;
  • Dihydrocampherol;
  • Fumaric acid;
  • Vitamin E;
  • fatty acid.

Purification of the liver of thistle

Hepanorm is recognized as an effective pharmacological preparation for the recovery of the excretory system, because among its ingredients there is a herb for the liver - milk thistle. This plant has a rare ability to regenerate cells of internal organs and protect them from the negative influence of negative factors.

Our customers can find on the net positive feedback about the milk thistle, left by doctors and patients. Extract of milk thistle spotted shows high results in the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the genitourinary system. Medicament with components of plant origin is recommended to drink in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is taken to prevent bowel, liver and gallbladder diseases.

Cleaning the liver of thistle is provided by a high content of useful trace elements. Essential and fatty oils provide a tonic and antimicrobial effect.

Purification of the liver of milk thistle occurs by the natural elimination of toxic components. In addition, regular use of a dietary supplement helps to normalize the hormonal balance. The plant helps to avoid the lack of protein, which is especially important for athletes who are monitoring the condition of muscle tissue.

Wound healing properties of milk thistle

A natural medication is often used in the treatment of extensive wounds. Taking medication removes the effects of mechanical damage and stretching, burns and frostbite.

Milk thistle has anti-inflammatory and antiulcer qualities. It is used to neutralize the symptoms of allergies and eczema. Herbal extract strengthens the female and male reproductive system.

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