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The golden mean: GHRP-2 \ 6 + CJC-1295

27 Oct 2017

The rate of muscle mass gain: price and quality are optimal

Main Aims

Application of the course will achieve:

• increased appetite, which, in turn, makes it easy to follow a special high protein diet, which is recommended for muscle building.

• reducing the level of subcutaneous fat - thanks to the effect of CJŃ-1295, improving the appearance, drawing relief, rejuvenation;

• lower cholesterol, protect the liver, increase immunity;

• strengthening of bone tissues, joints, ligaments;

• anti-inflammatory action, improved healing of micro-traumas;

• increased energy, improved sleep quality and quick recovery after training;

• due to the development of a huge amount of natural GR (growth hormone), a set of muscle mass is performed and the strength and endurance increase significantly.

Used drugs

The duration of the course is 9 weeks (63 days).

• CJC-1295 2mgx15 bottles.

• GHRP (2 or 6) 5mx6 bottles.

The advantages of the course:

Very popular and not one dozen athletes tested course for a set of muscle mass. The peptide combination of GHRP with CJC-1295 guarantees the maximally strong synergistic effect of stimulating GH-growth hormone.

For comparison: the effectiveness of one GHRP-peptide is 2 conventional units, and for CJC-1295 this index is 4. Their joint application will yield not 6, but 10 units of effect. As you can see, these peptides mutually reinforce each other's action.

As a result of the nine-week course of application of these effective peptides, a powerful muscle growth occurs. At the same time, negative health effects are completely absent. According to the bodybuilders, while observing the right diet for the course, it is possible to increase to 6-7 kg of pure muscles - neither sports, nor dietary supplements can do this.

In addition, the effect of mutual reinforcement will save money - instead of 2 long courses, you only need to buy one.


• GHRP-2 (GHRP-6) - three times a day for 150 mcg. The course is designed for 2 months, therefore, 5 bottles are needed.

• ŃJŃ-1295 - three times a day for 150 mcg. The course is designed for 63 days, therefore, 15 bottles are needed.

Injections are especially effective after waking up in the morning (breakfast can be somewhere in 20-40 minutes), before going to bed or after training - in situations when the process of GH production and activation of anabolic processes is needed especially.

The dosage is calculated for an athlete weighing 100 kg so that there remains 5 μg of active substance in the "nozzle" of the syringe. Calculation of dosage is performed according to the formula: 1.5 μg of each peptide per 1 kg of weight.

To achieve the effect, it should not be lowered below the dosage of 1 μg of peptide per 1 kg of weight. Before direct injection, peptides can be mixed in a syringe. In a vial, mixing is unacceptable, since it cancels the effectiveness of the drug and provokes possible side effects.


There is no contraindication to the course. Of the side effects, dizziness and pulsation in the temporal region can rarely occur - usually occurs within half an hour after the injection (experts associate with the activation of growth hormone production centers), small local redness and swelling in the immediate injection area, in the first 2 weeks there may be a slight feeling Fatigue. More serious negative effects on the body were not exposed.

In our store you can quickly and safely purchase certified original peptides GHRP (6 and 2), CJC-1295 and bactericidal water for dissolving drugs.

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