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The course of growth hormone Ansomone

31 Oct 2017


This course is ideal for those who seek:

• improve the cholesterol profile, that is, start an active fat burning;

• accelerate the growth of muscle mass, improve bone density, improve immunity;

• increase the level of libido, mood and energy.

Used drugs

30 bottles - Ansomone (Ansomone) 10UI (International Units)

Advantages of Ansomone

One of the best modifications of the GR - Ansomone - is ideal for drying the body and improving fat metabolism. Why can it and even need to apply for weight loss? With a reduction in weight without special tools, loss of muscle mass is inevitable, while Ansomon (including its analogues) contributes to the increase in muscle volume and the number of muscle cells even when you are on drying!

Under the influence of this hormone, the synthesis of protein in the human body is accelerated so much that the recovery and growth of muscles is carried out as effectively as during the massaging cycle. Known and successful practice of using Ansomone to reduce fatty tissue for medicinal purposes.

Together with fat burning Ansomon, like all GH modifications, promotes the rejuvenation of the whole body - improves skin condition, removes wrinkles, provokes the growth of new healthy hair and nails, strengthens bones, joints and ligaments.

Optimal for taking the course will be a lifestyle: for relief - sports nutrition, as well as 2-3 cardio and 2-3 strength training per week. The use of just one course of Ansomone can reduce by 5% (or more) the amount of fat, while not only retaining, but also increasing muscle growth.

Duration of the course

The course can take from 1 month (4 weeks) to 6 months (24 weeks).


The course includes 2 stages: preparatory and basic:

• 2 weeks - preparatory: Ansomone 5Ed per day 1 time. For 2 weeks it is necessary to use 8 bottles.

• 10 weeks - the main one: Ansomone 5Edhv day 2 times. For 10 weeks, 72 bottles should be used.

For an athlete weighing 100 kg, the dosage is calculated with the account that 5 μg of the active drug remains in the "nozzle" of the syringe.


The drug is not recommended for use with:

• reactive neoplasia;

• acute degree of shock with severe infection;

• lack of activity of the epiphysis (pineal body of the brain);

• Pregnancy, including pregnancy.

Side effects of Ansomon, in the absence of contraindications, are minimal: unpleasant sensations, temporary hyperglycemia (after the absorption of the drug in the blood, the sugar level decreases), tingling, in the area of administration of the drug, a slight swelling (temporary effect occurring at the beginning of the course), when the optimal doses are exceeded, growth Antibodies in the blood.

Experts recommend periodically to check the work of the thyroid gland.

In our online store you can safely and quickly buy growth hormone at a low price - certified and original Ansomone (Ansomone), as well as for dissolving drugs bactericidal water.

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