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The best rates of steroids

12 Dec 2016

Anabolic steroids belong to the strong substances causing a muscles hypertrophy, and now their effects are actively studied both in medicine, and in the field of sport. Directly it is necessary to emphasize that application of steroids shall be performed according to indications and under control of the medical specialist. The use is contraindicated to teenagers as can bear substantial and unjustified risk for health. This article contains reference information and doesn't induce to the use.

Experts of SportWiki analyzed a large number of modern literature, researches and scientific articles from which rather reasonable and plausible data are selected. We will try to provide the best steroid rates which differ in maximum efficiency and safety in this article. In the individual clause special attention is paid to the description and minimization of side effects.

General conclusions: the choice of anabolic steroid

  • The medical specialist shall carry out purpose of medicine
  • All anabolic steroids have androgenic activity, however in different degree of expressiveness.
  • The steroid is more powerful and more effective, it is more than side effects therefore it is necessary to be guided by this indicator carefully.
  • As a rule, injection steroids are safer in comparison with the tableted forms.
  • The more the dose and quantity of steroids, they are more than side effects and kickback phenomenon.
  • Don't try to receive fast results, resorting to mad cycles, already in few months you will be disappointed in this approach. It is more reasonable to make two "weak" rates with a break, than one "powerful".
  • New safe steroids don't exist. Don't trust advertizing - many old steroids much better new. It is simple to explain it - in the 20th century of a research of steroids were financed much better, than now. Now the main part of finance arrives not to receive more powerful and safe anabolic steroid, and on that it couldn't be determined in tests.
  • It is extremely desirable to use inhibitors of aromatasia and anti-estrogen in strictly certain cases. It considerably will secure a cycle and will increase its efficiency. Remember that ginekomastia develops not always, but in individual cases it is irreversible therefore it should be prevented.

Main conclusion: For achievement of good results, use steroids in moderate doses, in the correct combinations, without exceeding the optimum duration of a cycle. Approximate for one cycle it is possible to gain about 5-7 kg of muscles, having lost a significant amount of fat. In case of adequate application results will be stable, kickback phenomenon minimum, and side effects in most cases will be absent in general. Nevertheless, according to literature in 15-20% of cases side effects are shown, at the same time at 3% they have irreversible character.

Which steroid rates are under construction?

The below-stated rates of steroid medicines are constituted based on experience of the largest resources, and also sports medicine and modern scientific data. Many "professionals" are inclined to believe that these rates "too weak and short" therefore results will be bad, however it it is easy to confute on a simple example:

Vasily completed a steroid course with medicine X in a dose 100 within a month, and then, 3 more months later repeated it. Total: 1 packaging on everything, + 5 kg of muscles taking into account kickback, total absence of side effects. You can also like Hepatamin.

Pyotr completed a course with medicine X in a dose 200 within 2 months. Total: 4 packaging of medicine, +8 kg of muscles right after a cycle (at first sight the result is better), however a half from this will be lost in a month, that is general result of +4 kg of muscles, besides ginekomastia and violations of hormonal exchange.

At any forum will advise you option No. 2 as people can't estimate long-term consequences and are guided by ephemeral results right after a rate.

Short rates and muscle memory

The Norwegian scientists from Oslo University report that even short-term entering of anabolic steroids raises a capability of muscles to growth for a long time. According to the made experiments, use of anabolic steroids starts the so-called cellular mechanism of memory. Thus, in case of renewal of physical activities after the long period of rest, force and amount of muscles will be recovered much quicker at those athletes who used anabolic steroids, in comparison with those who at all never applied them. Besides, at accepting more intensive division of cellular kernels will be observed. Results of a research are published in the The Journal of Physiology magazine.

Results of application

The research Bhasin S, Storer TW on 43 healthy men has shown that testosterone enantat in a dose of 600 mg/week for 10 weeks allows to receive high sports results:

  • trainings without introduction of medicine led to increase in weight approximately on 1,8 kg;
  • introduction of medicine without trainings led to a gain of dry muscle bulk on 3 kg;
  • examinees who carried out power trainings 3 times a week and receiving testosterone enantat had an increase of dry weight on 6 kg.

In all groups the reduction of fatty deposits was observed.

The best courses of steroids for set of muscle bulk

Who suits these steroid courses?

Men with a thin constitution, 25 years for a set of dry muscle bulk, in the absence of contraindications to reception of anabolic steroids are aged more senior.

If you want to receive the maximum result, then each course has to include also:

Diet for a set of muscle bulk - keep in mind that for a course you need to gain up to 10 kg of weight (from them 2-3 kg will be then are lost) therefore be surely weighed each three days and control a weight gain by means of a diet. If weight grows insufficiently quickly - means to you it is necessary to increase the food caloric content and vice versa, differently you will in vain spend time. The total of protein has to be equal in a diet at least 2g/kg weight, it is possible to calculate by means of the calculator more precisely.

Sports food for a set of weight

Specialized training

Medical equipment of performance of injection

According to the instruction, steroids are entered deeply into a muscle (injections in a gluteus are safest):

  • 1.Wash arms with soap.
  • 2.It is desirable to heat an ampoule with drug to 38C-40C of degrees on a water bath, as a last resort in an axillary hollow.
  • 3.Wipe arms with alcohol
  • 4.Wipe an ampoule with alcohol.
  • 5.Open an ampoule: make nadpit on a neck, break off a nose having wrapped it gauze. If there is a tag in the form of a point, then nadpit it isn't necessary to do, just break off a nose.
  • 6.Use syringes with a needle of 37 mm - it is 5 and 10 vat syringes.
  • 7.Gather the syringe, remove vials of air. Though when performing intramuscular injections to steam of fine blisters aren't dangerous at all.
  • 8.Process the place of a nyxis alcohol or other antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, cologne or, as a last resort, vodka).
  • 9.Accept horizontal position, for avoidance of a fiasco of a needle
  • 10.Enter a needle into the top, side square of a breech (see the drawing) at full length at right angle
  • 11.Pull the piston to be convinced that the blood doesn't go to the syringe and you didn't get into a blood vessel. Hit in a blood stream of oil drugs can be deadly.
  • 12.Slowly administer the drug
  • 13.Take out a needle and apply the wad moistened in alcohol (or other antiseptic) to the place of a nyxis
  • 14.Softly mass the place of an injection about 5 minutes.

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