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The benefits of growth hormone and harm. HGH Growth Hormone Dosing and Side Effects

08 Jan 2018

Let's look at such a popular in bodybuilding drug, like growth hormone, from all sides. After all, he has not only undoubted advantages. Like any pharmacological agent, GH can lead to side effects. But what is more important - a powerful anabolic effect or risks? After reading this article, each athlete will be able to make his choice.

The Advantages and Benefits of Growth Hormone

The benefits of GR are incredible - there is not a lot of sports nutrition, peptides, or even anabolic steroids.

Muscle growth (anabolic effect) and inhibition of muscle destruction (anti-catabolic effect)

Reducing the fat layer, improving energy use and changing the energy balance towards the use of fats

Rapid healing of wounds, injuries, burns

Effect of rejuvenation

Repeated growth of internal organs, with age atrophy

Growth of bones (up to 26 years) and / or their strengthening and improved salinity

Increased blood glucose levels • Improved immune system performance

Possible harm and side effects of growth hormone. How to eliminate side effects?

Tunnel syndrome - pain, numbness in the hands and sometimes feet. The effect is eliminated after lowering the dosage

Swelling and fluid accumulation. This is also necessary to increase the volume of muscles and their elasticity. Minimized by reducing the amount of salt in the diet and excluding alcoholic beverages.

Increase in pressure. To eliminate, you can reduce the dose or start taking antihypertensive drugs.

Decreased thyroid function. It is solved by the administration of thyroxine, which also increases the fat burning effect. After the course ends, the function is restored automatically.

Hyperglycemia. You can take insulin (this will also increase anabolism) or drugs to stimulate the pancreas.

Acromegaly. Do not occur if used correctly.

Hypertrophy of internal organs. It develops only when applied for more than six months.

In some reviews of the growth hormone, he is credited with side effects, which he is not able to induce. For example, an enlarged abdomen has no scientific confirmation. This is possible in theory only when combining GH with steroids and consuming very large amounts of food. Also, growth hormone does not affect testosterone, libido and sexual function in any way, unlike steroids. Growth hormone for men is absolutely safe in terms of intimate sphere. There is also the view that GH causes tumors that have already refuted the studies. It can only provoke the rapid development of already existing tumors (before the start of the growth hormone it is worthwhile to undergo screening to exclude the development of such processes).

Bottom Line

The development of significant side effects with the use of recommended doses of growth hormone is impossible. Minor side effects are easily eliminated, often without additional medications. Therefore, in general, it can be argued that GR is a safe drug. According to bodybuilders, 88% of those taking GH believe it to be an effective drug. 86% noted a really noticeable fat burning and a gain in muscle mass. The increase in power indicators was noted by 79%. At the same time, more than 80% of respondents very easily tolerated injections of growth hormone. Any side effects were noticed only by 23% of athletes who resort to moderate doses of the hormone. And the main obstacle to receiving them is not risk, but a happy high price of growth hormone.

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