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The algorithm of the brain

22 Oct 2016

About reflexes, the role of the emotional evaluation of the situation and the principle of the accumulation of knowledge.Is it true to understand intelligence as a set of reflexes? How does the algorithm of the brain? How do we make decisions?

It is difficult to assume that the brain consists of a set of reactions of iron, ie reflexes. However, when people ask, "Do you think that intelligence - a set of reflexes?", They all say, "Yes." This is not true. Imagine what would have behaved man whose head would be solid reflexes. He would mechanically respond to all calls: see food - rushed and ate it, he heard the call - so he started corresponding reactions, and so on. However, it is not. Furthermore, a reflex behavior is typical for machines and for slaves. The ancient Romans would execute commands such unconditional. That is, the whistle sounded - stood up, started to work. Two whistle - finished. The position is unnatural servant.

The role of qualitative assessments in the body carries the apparatus of emotions. This is a special system that provides high-quality evaluation information sets together with the motivation and behavior of all defines the general body. That is, it is necessary to choose such a result, which will give a better emotional evaluation. I assure you that not a single person and not make a step without having to not expect the end to improve his emotional evaluation. Even if he jumps off a bridge, it means only one thing: all the other actions it considers the worst for themselves. Therefore, in each situation, the body solves the optimization problem by choosing an action that should lead to a better result in terms of the emotional component. This is an optimization algorithm.

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Mathematicians speak of target functions: it must be some objective function, to aspire to the algorithm. We are talking about the two target functions. The accumulation of knowledge - it is one objective function, it is the epistemological part of the algorithm. On the other hand, it is the survival of the organism, we need to survive every minute. This optimization of the algorithm. Brain algorithm is a combination of two important algorithms: epistemological algorithm designed to search for knowledge, and optimization algorithm, which should make the best decisions on a set of already existing knowledge. On the whole brain as the control system is a self-learning (ie adaptive), recognizing, managing complex, large role in which plays the apparatus of emotions, which is the backbone subsystem organizes the entire brain. Because it is on the search for positive emotions and sent all that we do.

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