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02 Nov 2016

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, an androgen, has the expressed anabolic properties: increases muscle bulk, accelerates protein synthesis. They are released by Leydiga cells of testicles at men, and also in small amounts ovaries at women and bark of adrenal glands at both floors. Is a product of peripheral metabolism. In bodybuilding artificial medicines of testosterone are very often used.

Biological activity

Testosterone contacts androgenic receptors and dihydrotestosterone which is formed at impact on enzyme 5α-reduktazy testosterone is a predecessor of other biologically active adrogen. At dihydrotestosterone by 5 times big ability to contact androgenic receptors. Under the influence of these hormones the receptor changes the structure and transmits a signal to a cage kernel where changing activity of certain genes of DNA androgenic effects are implemented.

Also testosterone can turn into estrogen under the influence of an aromatasia Mainly estrogen, but not testosterone activates feedback through an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles and suppresses secretion of endogenous testosterone at introduction of exogenous medicines. Add some Cerebrolysin to your daily training.

Effects of testosterone

  • Increase in muscle bulk
  • Testosterone participates in development of male genitals, secondary sexual characteristics: a deep voice, male features, pilosis on men's type and so on.
  • Provides a spermatogenesis and sexual behavior
  • Exerts impact on nitrogenous and phosphoric exchange.

Side effects

  • Increase in arterial pressure
  • Accumulation of water (hypostases)
  • Masculinization
  • Aggression, irritability, excitement
  • Alopetion (baldness of a hairy part of the head)
  • Acne (acne rash)

Medicines of testosterone

The following dosage forms are issued:

  • Sustanon
  • Omnadren
  • Testosterone propionate
  • Testosterone fenilpropionat
  • Testosterone enantat
  • Testosterone tsipionat
  • Testosterone in tablets (Andriol, testosterone undecanoat)
  • Testosterone gel (Androgel, Testim)
  • Methyltestosterone
  • Testosterone suspension
  • Air of testosterone and its derivatives
  • Composite medicines (steroid mixes)

Ban of free sale in a drugstore

Since August 16, 2014 in Russia the new list of drugs of the subject and quantitative account works. Practically all injection medicines of testosterone have got under the ban:

  • "Testosterone propionate" (solution for intramuscular introduction)
  • "Andriol of shopping mall" (capsules)
  • Nebido (solution of testosterone of an undekanoat for intramuscular introduction)
  • "Sustanon-250" (solution for intramuscular introduction)
  • "Omnadren-250" (solution for intramuscular introduction).

Interesting facts

The research of the French scientists has shown that the men eating spicy food have higher level of testosterone, therefore, and the increased sexual activity. Results of the carried-out work are presented in the Physiology & Behavior magazine. 

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