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Testosterone fenilpropionat

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone fenilpropionat is it the form of testosterone was for the first time issued under a trade name of "Testolent" pharmaceutical Sicomed Pharmaceutical house. Until recently testosterone fenilpropionat was a rarity in the black market, but modern availability of predecessors to synthesis and emergence of numerous underground laboratories made this version of testosterone more available. Fenilpropionat is a part of complex means of Omnadren.

Testosterone fenilpropionat, Testos-PH 100

Chemically medicine represents compound of testosterone with air of fenilpropionat who much meets in connection with nandrolony more often (trademark Durabolin).

This air of testosterone is active within 4-5 days, represents something between testosterone tsipionaty and propionate. Medicine can be useful to athletes who like propionate, however the high frequency of accomplishment of injections doesn't arrange.

Judging by the experimental data, the best results are achieved if injections of medicine are carried out every third or fourth day, or about two times a week. In addition to features of a radio part of a molecule, testosterone fenilpropionat slightly differs from other forms.

According to athletes, this medicine to a lesser extent causes accumulation of liquid in an organism, than testosterone tsipionat or enantat. "Dryness" of muscles is comparable with the results received when using propionate. Please pay attention to Cortexin.

Mechanism of action

Testosterone fenilpropionat has effect on muscles by increase in level of a delay of nitrogen in muscles. Testosterone also increases the level of insulin like factor of growth IGF-1 in muscular tissue and a liver. Testosterone, irrespective of air, also has a capability to accelerate division of cages satellites which play an important role in recovery of the injured muscles.

Side effects

Testosterone can turn in an organism into estrogen (the process known as aromatization), and also into Digidrotestosteron (due to enzyme 5 work - alpha reductase). Estrogen is the reason of many side effects, such as a ginekomastiya, a water delay, etc. At that time dihydrotestosterone sometimes causes a hair loss on the head, increase in a prostate, etc.

The frequent claim of athletes - morbidity in the place of an injection. Development of abscess is possible.


Due to the increase of popularity of medicine in the black market, and also increase in availability, the cost of testosterone of fenilpropionat falls constantly therefore it is possible to assume that it will become quite popular in the next years. Now medicine in Russia meets rather seldom.

As it was already told above, in properties this steroid is in many respects similar to propionate, is explained by it why to its thicket use during drying though it also well is suitable also for a set of muscle bulk. It can be combined with other anabolic means, and also be applied solo. The average duration of a rate constitutes 6 weeks. A dosage - 200 mg, every third day.

It is necessary to use anti-estrogen, and also gonadotrophin in case of a long rate.

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