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Testosterone boosters

01 Nov 2016

Testosterone boosters - these are such magic tablets and capsules which are allegedly capable to turn any man into this male without any risk for health. Whether so it? Let's understand. Today we stopped the choice on three additives. This is Ekdisteron from Dynamic, Tribulus terrestris (Trib-650) from Dymatize and Halodrol Liquigels from Gaspari Nitrition. Choice of additives absolutely any. It would be possible to add some ZMA (zinc) to this group, but I consider that this medicine — auxiliary and in itself works very poorly.

As I tested the additives called above not only on myself, but also for the numerous acquaintances, I dare to claim that the opinion expressed here applies for objectivity. I will begin with the price of the main boosters of testosterone. The most democratic product in this plan — Ecdysteron. One banks worth about 1000 rubles quietly lasts for a month. Tribulus banks will last for a month too, but it is in retail slightly more expensive — about 1300 rubles. Tribulus rose in price recently. Say even that it is carried to banned drugs now though equally well it is possible to forbid green tea or a motherwort. Halodrol where as is more expensive, one packaging pulls for 3000 rubles, and packagings on a rate it is necessary two. But there is more to come, because cunning Rich Gaspari developed the boosters of testosterone so that they become more effective when are accepted not on the single, and in a crowd. In a word, if bank notes for you not a problem – Halodrol most that.

Now we will talk about dosages of boosters of testosterone. To tell fairly, I don't know for what reasons on packaging of Tribulis it is written that it is necessary to accept it on 1-2 capsules a day and then everything will be good. Long experiments showed that the effect of acceptance of Trib-650 is felt in case of a dosage at least 3 grams a day, and these are 5 capsules! Ecdysteron needs to drink somewhere 50 mg a day within 3-4 weeks. You can try Cerebrolysin

Testosterone boosters - feelings.

When I for the first time tried Ecdysteron, for the fifth day of acceptance felt enormous rise in forces! Power indicators grew on average from 5 to 10%. Of course, all individually, but the effect was. As for a libido, there were few changes here though at many acquaintances its growth was observed.

Tribulus on me worked differently. Power indicators grew, but they faded into the background. The libido was all! At the acquaintances accepting Trib-650 terms of the beginning of effect of medicine differed a little. At someone "break" came for the second day, and "covered" someone in about 5-7 days, but the result was one: Trib-650 worked! The only thing, he had more smoothed effect on the people who got used to be engaged with required longer acceptance.

As for the Halodrol booster, advertizing booklets promised miracles in a set of force and weight. For this purpose it was necessary to accept daily 3 Halodrol capsules plus the accompanying medicines before and after a training. I prepared for a tournament on a press lying and hoped that Halodrol great will help me, but I increase in a libido, growth of force wasn't observed. But the pronounced diuretic effect and as it isn't strange, growth of muscle bulk took place! I interviewed the acquaintances, and it turned out that on them Halodrol worked in the same way. For a 40-day rate two packagings of Halodrol added to each of us from 4 to 6 kilograms! From there is a conclusion: medicine more is suitable for bodybuilding, than for powerlifting. Actually, that's all. Fairly told that knew, and the choice — for you.

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