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Test 400

30 Dec 2016

Test 400 is one of the most high-concentrated androgens made by Denkall corporation. Analog ofsustanon and omnadren.

Contains 400 mg of mix of air of testosterone in one milliliter:

  • 25 mg of testosterone of propionate
  • 187 mg of testosterone of tsipionat
  • 188 mg of testosterone of enantat

The test 400 differs in the expressed morbidity of injections since for dissolution of such amount of active ingredient in oil experts had to use huge amount of benzyl alcohol. Therefore use of this medicine is followed not by the most pleasant feelings in the place of an injection. You can try Epifamin.

The test 400 is actively used in bodybuilding and power lifting, it is an irreplaceable component of pharm complex of many professional athletes who are forced to pour in themselves every day in a large amount of buttered solutions.

Not absolutely it is clear why it was necessary to connect in one medicine tsipionat and enantat which in fact are almost same air. But probably for creators of the Test 400 the difference in length of a radio chain on one molecule seemed basic distinction and serious the basis for creation of it.

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