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29 Dec 2016

Taurine is 2-aminoetansulfonovy acid, in small amounts is present at tissues and bile of animals, including the person. It is used as medicine (MNN Taurine; Taufon — Taufonum), is a part of many energy drinks and sports additives.

The name comes from armor. taurus (bull) as it was for the first time received from bull bile by the German scientists Friedrich Tideman and Leopold Gmelin.

Recently it is established that in a brain the taurine plays a role of the neuron mediator amino acid which is slowing down synoptic transfer has anticonvulsant activity, has also cardio trophy effect. Taurine promotes improvement of power processes, stimulates reparative processes at the dystrophic diseases and processes which are followed by appreciable disturbance of a metabolism of tissues of an eye. Being sulfur-containing amino acid, the taurine contributes to normalization of function of cellular membranes, improvement of metabolic processes.

Taurine in energy drinks

Taurine contains in many power engineering specialists, the average dose makes 200 - 400 mg. - on 100 grams of the power engineering specialist. Such dose doesn't render any physiological effect, however assumed that the taurine synergetical works with coffeine and other stimulators. But the research published in 2008 showed that that quantity of taurine which is used in drinks doesn't cause side effects, however and intensifying of the stimulating effect wasn't noticed too.

Taurine in sports delivery

In a sports delivery add the same quantities of taurine from what it is possible to assume that it has no the appreciable stimulating effect.

There is an opinion that the taurine prevents an obesity. But data that it promotes weight loss - No.

Also it was established that the taurine is necessary for normal functioning of sceletal muscles. The research was conducted on mice with genetic deficiency of taurine. Nevertheless, additional reception of a taurine at healthy animals didn't give statistically significant gain of muscle bulk.

It is proved that taurine promotes depression of level of Saccharum in a blood therefore it is useful to people of patients with a diabetes mellitus.

Also the taurine, according to some information, is a stimulator of production of hormone of body height and a potent antioxidant, partly preventing injuries of the copular and joint device.


Taurine which is a part of a sports delivery can be considered a useless component. The exception is made by the people sick with a diabetes mellitus.


Taurine not only useless component in a sports delivery, and it is extremely necessary for maintenance of a normal metabolism. About it it is possible to esteem with scientific references to primary sources here. Taurine is a natural product of exchange the serusoderzhashchikh of amino acids. The optimum (necessary) quantity it has to arrive with a nutrition as at the person synthesis of this substance is limited.

Deficiency of taurine in cells, any organ, adversely affects its state. So, loss of taurine retina half leads to an irreversible blindness, heart cells to cardio myopathy, white blood cells to disturbance of their interaction with an endothelium of vessels, to augmentation of undesirable inflammatory reactions, and also to immunity change. It is known that the taurine influences fatty and carbohydrate metabolism (13-19), a role of this substance in a metabolism exclusive. This sulfoamino acid has no replacement. Strikes also that the taurine not only has no toxic effects at its consumption a per of wasps, but also eliminates side effect of many drugs and xenobiotics. The transport system transferring a taurine to a cell of any organ and a taurine exit from a cell never leads to an overload, i.e. excess content of this sulfonic acid. It is confirmed by researches immediately in public – volunteers athletes. Within seven days volunteers accepted a taurine that brought to 13 to multiple rise in its concentration in plasma; contents in muscles didn't change neither at rest, nor at physical exercises .

Taurine protects muscles from dystrophia

On culture of cells is shown that taurine eliminates the dystrophic of muscles caused by dexamethasone. At the same time addition to culture of cells of the taurine didn't cause change of a phenotype of cells, i.e. the taurine has no hypotrophic effect. The question of the mechanism of such action remains open so far. It is known that Dexamethasone promotes a miodistofiya through a factor of atrogin-1 and enzyme (MAFbx a muscle-specific ubiquitin ligase). The taurine didn't influence a signal of Dexamethazonum (dexamethasone) which is mediated atrodzhinom-1 (atrogin-1).

Taurine and angenesis

It is shown that those muscles which contained not enough taurine found low regeneration ability. In the following work protective action of taurine at exercise stresses is shown. Researches were conducted on young people (18-20 years). Level of an oxidizing stress on production of thiobarbituric acid and damage of DNA to white blood cells was estimated. Addition of taurine to a delivery within 7 days not only reduced oxidizing damage of DNA to white blood cells. Addition of taurine to a delivery within 7 days not only reduced oxidizing damage of DNA, but also enlarged tolerance to exercise stresses.

Taurine at injuries

At serious injuries (surgical interventions, fractures) concentration of taurine in plasma at first is enlarged at the expense of its exit from cells of internals, and then falls. It is necessary to add a taurine as he helps to cope with consequences of an ischemic state to therapy by such patient, influencing immediately oxidation and protecting cells of immune system, and also hepatocytes.

Taurine should be filled after an exercise stress

Taurine exit from cells of muscles, hearts, a liver is, etc. enlarged at exercise stresses, a stress, radio radiation, a trauma, surgeries, an ischemia. A significant amount of taurine is brought out of an organism through kidneys. At already mentioned influences taurine leaves cells of internals and its concentration in plasma and, respectively, increases in urine, and then begins to fall. Changes of maintenance of taurine in urine and plasma were estimated at the runners competing in Rotterdam on a marathon in 1998 right after the competitions and in 24 hours during restoration. Muscles were taurine augmentation source in urine as researchers assume, generally. At those athletes who weren't restored after long loads recorded low concentration of taurine in urine. Authors suggest to estimate process of after treatment on taurine as to the indicator of muscular damage.

As the taurine is the main osmoregulyator, its concentration in extracellular space was strongly enlarged. Such loss of taurine a cell conducts to its swelling and decrease of availability of a glucose as in parallel with it some insulin resistance is observed. Authors consider that taurine can play an important protective role from pathological disturbance of ionic concentration that is observed at a metabolic cellular stress.

Studying of influence of a single dose of 1000 mg of taurine on the maximum endurance of runners on a 3-kilometer race for a while was the purpose of the next research. Reception of taurine it is appreciable to improve productivity (646.6 ± 52.8 with and 658.5 ± 58.2 c) (ð = 0.013), the effect made 1,7% (range of 0.34-4.24%).

Influence on relative consumption of oxygen, heart rate and Sodium lactatum of a blood wasn't revealed.

Antistress action of taurine

Stress in normal reaction of an organism, but its action can be blasting if it is about over reactions which often depend on a nervous system of the person and on a concrete situation. Allocation of a large amount of adrenaline leads to attrition of power stocks (fats, a glycogen) and an internal injury. Taurine possesses antistress action. It was shown both on a brain by the Japanese scientists, and on a myocardium the Russian researchers. As a matter of fact, the trauma is also a stress for an organism. It appears, it leads to appreciable loss of taurine and finally to falling of its concentration in a blood plasma almost half. Our own unpublished data show that Dibikor's use for athletes with disturbances of a rhythm of heart after long stayer loads contributes to normalization of a rhythm. At athletes with superactivity a sympathetic nervous system Dibikor can be useful as antistress drug. Dibikor's dose for the sports purposes shouldn't exceed the usual doses recommended for this drug, i.e. no more than 1-2 ãð. in day.

In the researches Branth S. and Hambraeus L. et al. studied energy balance at a long seven-hour training of 12 athletes cyclists (6 men and 6 women). Such intense training leads to an appreciable metabolic stress, in particular to augmentation of active forms of oxygen. The last was recorded on augmentation of a low-new dialdehyde (WELL). Considerably in parallel with it stocks of a glycogen were exhausted and the cellular edema was enlarged.


In the double blind randomized researches executed on physically healthy 9 men it was shown that at reception of taurine (50 mg/kg) the peak of its concentration in plasma is at rest observed by 89th minute, and at reception before an hourly load - by 112th minute.

Ekaterinburg branch of Uralgu of physical culture studied quantitative change of amino acids in plasma of athletes. There is an average value of taurine at the young people who aren't playing sports makes 145,6 microns, athletes – sprinters have 48,9 microns (p <0,01), at fighters the maintenance of taurine in blood made 216,4 microns. The blood sampling condition isn't specified in work. High concentration at weight-lifters – can reflect very fast removal of taurine from intracellular depots and ascending in plasma. Low concentration of taurine at sprinters I demonstrate losses of taurine and can lead to arrhythmias.

Introduction of a taurine showed to experimental animals that this amino acid considerably enlarges physical endurance and increases working capacity at a load on the tredmil that also 3 methylhistidinums are recorded on change of removal of creatinine, creatine. Also on animals at a spine injury the anti-inflammatory effect of taurine (250 mg/kg) on concentration decrease interlekina-6 and activities of a myeloperoxidase is found.

Experimental data

Restoration of level of taurine in muscles isn't for athletes the only purpose at its strengthened removal. We want to emphasize that taurine is extremely necessary for a liver, heart, a retina, blood cells and the central nervous system.

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