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Swelling during pregnancy

03 Apr 2019

Waiting for the baby is a great time for a woman. But we have to admit that even such an unforgettable period can be clouded by toxicosis, heartburn, constipation and swelling. It is known that out-of-pregnancy edema is of cardiovascular or renal origin. How can swelling appear in pregnant women and treat them or not treat them?

Edema is an excessive accumulation of water in organs, extracellular tissue spaces of the body. Edema is a very common phenomenon during pregnancy. They arise due to changes in water-salt metabolism, changes in the blood and vascular wall, as well as as a result of a violation of outflow of blood through the veins or because of a violation of the outflow of urine, because with the growth of the baby the uterus increases and presses on the ureters.

Swelling during pregnancy

There are 4 stages of development of edema:

- swelling of the feet and ankles (happen closer to the evening, accompanied by mild indisposition, fatigue);
- edema of lower extremities, lower abdomen and lumbosacral region;
- swelling of the hands, face (in particular, the eyelids);
- general edema.

Unlike foreign doctors, who tend to believe that the edema of pregnant women is nothing more than a physiological phenomenon that does not require medical intervention, Russian midwives believe that edema should be treated, because they are the first stage of gestosis (ie late toxicosis - a complication of a normal pregnancy). In 90% of cases after the swelling there are other signs of gestosis: a protein is found in the urine, blood pressure rises. And the sooner the future mother pays attention to her health, the easier it will be to prevent the transition of dropsy from pregnant women to the next stages of gestosis (nephropathy, preeclampsia, eclampsia).


In many cases, swelling in pregnant women is noticeable to the naked eye and no special diagnosis is required. But sometimes it's impossible to determine by eye whether there is puffiness. In this case, you can press your finger on the skin and look carefully: if there is a dimple after pressing, which then slowly aligns - it's edema. But often the existing swelling is not detected either by eye, or by pressing on the skin. This so-called. hidden swelling, or pastosity of tissues. For their timely diagnosis, you need to monitor how weight increases, regularly measure blood pressure and pass urinalysis. The addition of more than 300-400 g per week can indicate the presence of edema, and the presence of protein in the urine and high blood pressure indicate the need for treatment.

Treatment of edema

In order to avoid the appearance of edema or reduce them, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor. With minor swelling of the future mother, it is best to avoid active movements, long walks, weight lifting (even a light burden, such as a shopping bag, increases the pressure on the vessels and promotes edema formation). You need to sit and walk less (but do not give up walking outdoors), lie more, because in the horizontal position, the kidneys of a person experience less stress and, as a result, work better. It is useful in the prone position to raise the feet in order to facilitate the outflow of blood. In a situation where, in late periods in the prone position, the uterus squeezes the vessels of the abdominal cavity and the swelling increases, a small pillow placed under the right buttock will help. It is necessary to monitor the amount of liquid consumed. But in no case can not greatly reduce this amount. With a sharp drop in fluid intake, the body begins to delay and store it, which will lead to more serious consequences. It is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of liquid (water, juice, cereal, soup) per day. In this diuresis should be 70-80% of the fluid consumed.

It is very important to follow a diet. Harmful salt, pepper, sugar, flour and pasta, fried, pickled, salted and spicy, carbonated drinks fall into the category of harmful products that contribute to the onset of swelling. This does not mean that salt should be completely excluded from the diet, it is just necessary to limit its intake into the body. You should also use the useful properties of some products. For example, vegetables and fruits such as zucchini, fresh cucumbers, carrots, apples, cherries, grapes and gooseberries, contain the necessary salts and trace elements for the mother's body, plus they are lightweight digeterics.

For the prevention of edema, you can use fresh berries of cranberries, fresh juice or jam from aronia. The use of kidney tea and other vegetable dues (decoction from the fruit of dog rose, strawberry, juniper, cowberry leaves, black currant), as well as medicines designed to help get rid of swelling, is possible only on the advice of a doctor.

Pharmacy arsenal to help the future mother

Medicines of vegetable origin have a complex action aimed at normalizing urination, have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, improve the functional state of the kidneys and urinary tract. Future mothers can offer Kanefron N. To strengthen capillaries and increase the tone of the veins and, as a consequence, to improve venous outflow use preparations based on flavonoids, for example Rutin, Venoruton (rutozide), Antistax (extract of red grapes), Aetscin, Venen, Venoplant etc. These funds for future mothers can be taken from the 4th month of pregnancy if there are indications, after consultation with a doctor.

Along with the means aimed at solving the puffiness problem from the inside of the body, you can offer external pharmacies to the visitors of the pharmacy, whose action is directed to local anesthesia, reduction of edema and inflammatory processes, resorption of hematomas, restoration of disturbed blood flow and physical performance in general.

Venotonics of various origin are intended to help pregnant women with swelling of the feet, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. Such drugs are used externally and do not have a systemic effect on the body, which is very important in pregnancy. Such preparations may include plant components, for example, horse chestnut seed extract, which increases the resistance of the capillary wall to damage, the extract of the sweet clover (active components of melilotin and coumarin), improves microcirculation and venous blood flow, the extract of red grapes leaves, etc.

The range of pharmacies should be such local means as Herbion Esculus, Venoruton, Tromblets, Venen, Venolife, Antistax, Venitant, etc. Venotonics can be used only according to the indications and recommendations of the doctor.


Kidney tea (not to be confused with renal collection!) Is an excellent diuretic for pregnant women. Used in folk medicine leaves and leafy tops of staminate orthosiphon perfectly remove edema, are used in the complex therapy of inflammatory processes of the urinary system. Thanks to the essential oil contained in the plant, orthosiphonin and tannins, kidney tea normalizes blood pressure, metabolism, and is also a diuretic. Gulf 1-2 tablespoons of kidney tea with two glasses of boiling water, you need to let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Take infusion of kidney tea is necessary for 20-40 minutes before eating.

When offering kidney tea to visitors, do not forget to say that you can consume it, but within reasonable limits, observing the dosages recommended by a doctor observing the course of pregnancy.

Advising and offering this or that drug, do not forget to direct the future mother to the doctor, because the specialist will be able to identify the signs of swelling in time and do everything possible to make the pregnant woman feel comfortable.

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