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02 Nov 2016

Sustanon (it is also known as Sustaretard, Sustamed, Tetrasteron, Sustaver) - the mix of various air of testosterone for the first time developed and issued by the Organon company as means of hormonal replacement therapy in case of insufficient secretion of endogenous testosterone. Now practically all mixes of air of testosternon equate to Sustanon, for example, the most popular analog - Omnadren 250. A large amount of medicines is made podpolno.

Time of action of various air of testosterone

Sustanon includes 4 forms of testosterone:

  • 30mg Testosterone propionate
  • 60mg Testosterone фенилпропионат
  • 60mg Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 100mg Testosterone Decanoate
  • Oil (peanut is more often) as the solvent
  • Benzyl alcohol - as preservative and antiseptics

Sustanon 250 issued in bottles of 100% a counterfeit also has nothing in common with original Sustanon 250 (on a condition storage can store testosterone only in a glass container, use of rubber covers is strictly forbidden).

Each form of testosterone which enters Sustanon has the different speed of absorption that allows to support the fixed and high level of anabolic hormones in blood within a month. There is no need of accomplishment of frequent injections, Sustanon is put only 1 time in three weeks (in the medical purposes). Some believe that Sustanon is the combined rate rolled into one, however not absolutely so because each component of medicine turns in an organism only into testosterone.

Sustanon 250, Organon

The peak of popularity of Sustanon falls on 80th and 90th last century, the large number of articles about medicine benefits was written at this time. However it is necessary to remember that Sustanon wasn't developed as medicine for increase in muscle bulk, and its main benefit consists in convenience of application. Sustanon has big cost in comparison with separate air of testosterone (in equivalent quantities) whereas on anabolic properties doesn't differ from the isolated testosterone forms that does its application in bodybuilding not absolutely justified. Add some Cogitum to your daily training.

Sustanon 250 is absolutely identical to medicine Omnadren 250 (it is made according to the license by the Jelfa S.A company. - Poland).

Availability in the 90th years

Material from the book P. Grunding, M. Bakhmann. "Anabolic steroids" 1994

Sustanon is widespread in the black market and it is easy to purchase it. Unfortunately, the most part of these medicines - more or less well executed counterfeits. If offer you ampoules without paper label, and just with the print most often executed by red is precisely counterfeits. Most often the speech goes here about Omnadrena where the corresponding text is erased and replaced with a print - Sustanon. Original Sustanon who almost only is made by Organon always has the paper label. Original Susta is harder and harder to find now, it meets more and more seldom. In the black market only the Portuguese Sustanon 250, the Dutch Sustanon 250 and especially Russian, and also Indian Sustanon 250 most often meet. All three medicines - Organon, on ampoules - the paper label.

Recently in the black market even more often it is possible to meet the Russian Sustanon 250 who is made in Calcutta (India) by Organon and it is officially intended only for export to Russia. And still through Czechoslovakia large amounts of this original medicine Sustanon 250 transport by an illicit method to Germany. It seems, it is high-quality medicine since using it speak about positive results and good tolerance so untidiness in case of its production is excluded. The Russian Sustanon 250 is on sale in plastic packaging on which reverse side are written by a blue font the name of medicine, a name of the manufacturer and the containing chemicals. The text is written or on a silvery foil, or on white paper. 5 ampoules are rowed together, and each ampoule in addition is still separately packed. Original Sustanon 250 costs in the black market, judging by experience, 12 - 18 DMs for an ampoule and it are worth it.

Availability in the 2010th years

Widely new trademarks extend (Sustamed from Balkan, Sustaged from Golden Dragon, SUSTANON from SP Laboratories, Sustaject from Neo Labs, Sustaver from Vermodje). Sustanon from the Organon is also popular and is made in branches of the different countries: Egypt, Pakistan and Holland. Cost is 250 - 370 rub for 1 ml. Bottles became more popular dosage form whereas the Organon continues to be issued in ampoules.

Effects of a sustanon

Sustanon acts just as any other form of testosterone. It means that the main effects of a sustanon are:

  • Increase in muscle bulk (on average on 6 kg a month)
  • Anticatabolic action
  • Appetite strengthening
  • Blood formation strengthening - increase in quantity of erythrocytes in blood provides the best transport of oxygen at the expense of what endurance increases.
  • Increase in a libido (during Sustanon's acceptance)

"Attention" medicine detection Time - up to 3 months.

Sustanon - side effects

As well as any other form of testosterone, Sustanon is converted into estrogen. For this reason Sustanon causes such side effects as ginecomastia, hypostases, adjournment of fat on female type and oppression of development of own testosterone. These side effects can be prevented if to apply anti-estrogen, it is more preferable aromatasia inhibitors. Selective modulators estrogen receptors (moxifen, etc.) connect only during post course therapy.

As a result of decrease in products of endogenous testosterone development of such serious side effect of Sustanon as an atrophy of testicles is possible. This side effect can be prevented if not to do Sustanon's rate longer than 8 weeks and to accept anti-estrogen. In case of longer rates application of a gonadotrophin is required.

In an organism testosterone turns into dihydrotestosterone which causes the following side effects: prostate hypertrophy, baldness, acne and others. These are so-called androgenic side effects of Sustanon.

Also, athletes often note temperature increase and condition during Sustanon's rate. As well as the majority of steroids, Sustanon increases the level of harmful cholesterol in blood (the Omega-3 throughout all rate is prevented by acceptance).

After an injection infiltrates are sometimes formed (consolidations or "cones" in buttock area or other place of introduction). As a rule infiltrates resolve in 2-5 weeks.

Sustanon rate

  • Sustanon's rate is recommended only to men for a set of muscle bulk, without availability of contraindications for application of anabolic steroids.
  • Sustanon's rate lasts up to 10 weeks. At bigger duration entering of gonadotrophin is required.
  • Injections of medicine are carried out in a dose of 250-500 mg intramuscularly once a week (it is desirable to enter Sustanon into gluteuses).
  • From second week of a rate begin to accept aromatasia inhibitors under control of analyses on estrogen (usually use Anastrozol 0,5 mg every other day). Stop acceptance of news agency in 1-2 weeks after the last injection.
  • In 3 weeks after the last injection post course therapy begins tamoxifen, testosteronovy boosters within 3-4 weeks, for recovery of development of own testosterone are accepted.
  • For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.
  • Surely consult with the specialist before Sustanon's acceptance.

Combined rates

Sustanon it is possible to combine with such medicines as:

Nandrolon - for a set of muscle bulk. Vinstrol - for drying and a relief.

The combination allows to reduce the frequency of side effects and to improve effectiveness of a rate. In more detail: The combined rates of steroids

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