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Suspension testosterone

27 Dec 2016

Suspension testosterone is a water solution not esterifies (without off-the-air residual, in difference from other used forms) testosterone which differs in quick start of action and high frequency of ghost effects, in particular morbidity of injections. Many medicines contain oil or propylene glycol in quality of solution. It is applied mainly only before competitions as it isn't found in 1 days.

Steroid profile

  • Chemical formula: 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one
  • Melting temperature: 155
  • Action time: 1-2 days
  • Detection time: several weeks (methods of mass spectroscopy and gas chromatography)
  • Anabolic index: 100/100.


Suspension of testosterone is the first-ever anabolic steroid invented in the 1930th years. Air therefore 100 mg of the active agent represent 100 mg of "pure" testosterone isn't a part of a formula. For comparing of 100 mg of testosterone of enantat give to an organism only 72 mg of "pure" testosterone, a remaining part is the share of air.


In general effects of suspension coincide with those at other forms of testosterone, about it you can read in the main article. Here we will stop only on distinctive features.

There is an opinion that the maximum growth is observed in those muscles in which solution therefore it is often used for target muscles is found. However this opinion is wrong (otherwise the asymmetric or local hypertrophy which looked would be observed it is as repellent, as when using sintol).

In general water suspension of testosterone is similar in pharmacological properties to propionate.

Side effects

Pharmacokinetic feature of medicine (fast increase in concentration in blood) provides not only the expressed positive effects, but also heavy side effects. Suspension of testosterone differs in high androgenic activity, often causes acne, congestion of liquid and ginekomastiya. For this reason of PCT it is carried out without fail (anti-estrogen is accepted from the first day of a course). Has toxic effect on a liver only in very high doses. Painful injections (though to a lesser extent, than at propionate and vinstrol).

Course and doses

Suspension of testosterone keeps high concentration in blood only 2-3 days therefore intramuscular injections are carried out every day. For receipt of the maximum result drug is injected every day. The daily dose varies within 50-100 mg. Each new prick is entered into the new place to avoid local side effects. Duration of a rate shouldn't be done more than 4-5 weeks as it will significantly affect an arch hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles, with suppression of secretion of endogenous testosterone. At bigger duration it is necessary to connect gonadotrophin. You can also like Testalamin.

Very often suspension of testosterone is combined in one syringe with other anabolic medicines on a water and fatty basis, or with B12 vitamin (reduces morbidity). Also, for elimination of pain medicine often mixes up with solution of novocaine or lidocaine.

It is well combined with nandrolon and ekvipoyz in cycles for a set of muscle bulk.


In Russia the easiest to purchase Akvatest from BALKAN Pharmaceuticals. It is also possible to meet such trademarks as Testosus (Australia), Anabolic-TS (Mexico), Univet (Canada), Akvaviron (India), Agovirin (Czechoslovakia). It is also possible to meet other names, however most of them are laid off.

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