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Succinic Acid Limontar - Reduce the Risk of Miscarriage

31 Jan 2017

How to reduce the risk of miscarriage with habitual miscarriage?

Miscarriage can be a manifestation of female infertility, however, according to statistics 10% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. If a woman has had a miscarriage, then the probability of pregnancy is increased following an unsuccessful twice. It is therefore important to regularly visit a gynecologist in such cases and to take all prescribed treatment.

The main causes of miscarriage

The most common cause of miscarriage in the first weeks of pregnancy are the genomic and chromosomal abnormalities. As a rule, it is incompatible with the DNA damage fetal life.

Women who have had several involuntary abortions in a row, often have changes in the immune system. A woman's body treats the embryo as a foreign body and and activates defenses. As a result of this struggle immunity embryo dies. In normal pregnancy from the first day his mother a few depressed immunity that allows the embryo to implant and develop successfully.

Anatomical features of uterus, hormonal abnormalities, reproductive tract infections can also cause abortion at any stage. You can also like Mildronate.

Another factor that can cause miscarriage, is psychological stress. When stress dramatically increases production of tumor necrosis factor that is involved in non-specific immune response can damage the shell and embryo / fetal stress as occurs during vascular spasm placenta. Therefore, the emotional state of the woman during the pregnancy is a critical factor for a successful gestation.

What if there is a risk of losing the pregnancy?

At highest risk of miscarriage (after two or more abortions) an important tool for monitoring is to analyze the concentration of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the first trimester and α-fetoprotein during the second trimester. It will also carry out regular monitoring of ultrasound, in some cases every week.

The threat of termination of pregnancy is a cause for hospitalization, but, depending on circumstances, the choice is often made in favor of home treatment. In any case, you should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and appointments, which leads your pregnancy.

With increased anxiety, adverse psychological atmosphere in the family or at work, prescribed sedatives. Widely used drug Glycine, highly efficient and, most importantly, safe in pregnancy. The amino acid glycine strengthens the nervous system and improves the emotional state, which eliminates one of the risk factors of miscarriage - psychological stress.

Habitual miscarriage is also an indication for progestin from the first day of treatment in the antenatal clinic. Vice progesterone helps to maintain an adequate level of pregnancy hormone that promotes normal implantation of the ovum.

Often the threat of termination of pregnancy prescribe bed rest. During the implantation of the ovum dragging pain in the abdomen and lower back may be harbingers of miscarriage. Compliance with bed rest in this case can be a decisive factor for a successful outcome of pregnancy.

To improve the food and fruit ripening metabolic prescribed drugs. Limontar improves the growth and development of the embryo from the first days, it is recommended during pregnancy at any stage. The drug activates the processes of energy formation in cells of the fetus, which increases its viability, exhibits antihypoxic and antioxidant properties. In early toxicosis Limontar improves the general condition of mothers, which has a positive effect on the fetal condition. The drug is completely metabolized in the body and eventually converted to carbon dioxide and water.

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