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Succinic acid and Citric Acid at Late pregnancy and childbirth

30 Mar 2017

Late pregnancy and childbirth: how to reduce the risks for mother and child?

Medical concept of "late delivery", "late pregnancy" in today's world have acquired a slightly different meaning. Now nobody will be surprised the first childbirth after 30 years and more and more women planning a pregnancy even later, at the age of 40 years and older. Women make a successful career, have access to effective contraception, and may choose the most suitable period for maternity. But even with a high level of income and regular opportunities to take care of their health, pregnancy and childbirth after 30-35 years woman carries a very different way than twenty-five. In order to reduce the risks of late pregnancy, it is important to approach this with full responsibility. 

Late pregnancy and childbirth

Plan your pregnancy in advance

Late pregnancy is much easier if it was pre-planned. This allows the woman to pass a complete diagnosis, to compensate for chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, varicose veins), normalize weight, vitamins and minerals to restore balance in the body, stop smoking before conception, to change the working conditions if necessary. So all the forces of the future mother will be aimed at maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Similarly, knowing the possible period of conception, you will be sure that it is not dangerous for the fetus took medication, do not drink a lot of alcohol. Very often she was pregnant woman learns during the delay, when the unborn child has a minimum of two weeks.

Full diagnostics help detect hidden problems, for example, any infection, which is better to treat pregnancy. You can also like Bonomarlot.

Now doctors recommend when planning a pregnancy to be vaccinated against childhood diseases. Even if you are sick in childhood varicella and rubella, by 30 years of immunity to these infections may already be significantly reduced, although considered conditional life. The probability of contracting is also improved due to the natural mechanisms that inhibit women's immune system to the body not reject the embryo. Make a decision on vaccination will help blood test for antibody levels.

Regularly attending antenatal clinics

Pregnancy after 30 years is a more careful attention of doctors. This is justified, because even with an excellent state of health, the metabolism slows down with age. We can notice it just in everyday life: the fact that in 18-20 years we came easily, 30 already takes more strength. For example, after physical exhaustion and sleepless nights of a mature man will be restored for several days, though adolescence was enough to sleep a couple of hours after a night at the club. And when it comes to providing a complete new life inside?

During pregnancy, all for 40 weeks in a woman's body from a single cell develops people. It is an intense non-stop load, which uses all available resources of the future mother. Even completely healthy woman will feel weak in this period, and late pregnancy is often accompanied by have at least one chronic health problem, which also requires energy. Therefore, regular monitoring of the fetus and placenta, through which you can identify problems in time and help the woman to bear a healthy child.

To increase endurance and improve the development of the fetus, the drug is prescribed metabolic Limontar. It is a regulator of tissue metabolism, improve energy education process in the cells. Do not be afraid to take medication given by your obstetrician-gynecologist

Pregnancy after 35 years can cause a woman's attention to their health, well-being and any change will be taken very seriously. Or maybe the other way around, "the pregnancy - is not a disease," says a strong woman, and does not give a value of the next jump of the pressure or the appearance of edema. Fearing "hurt the baby chemistry" future mothers refuse to take the medicine prescribed by your doctor. It also retains many of the hospital under the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Limontar improves during pregnancy and can be administered at any stage. It is a safe drug, which eventually turns into carbon dioxide and water are not accumulate in the body. In early toxicosis Limontar helps remove nausea and improve the overall condition of his appointment in 2-3 trimester reduces the probability of late gestosis. When malnutrition and fetal hypoxia Limontar reduces the likelihood of complications. Also it is used for the prevention of preterm birth.

If morning sickness in the first trimester is not exactly go unnoticed, the late preeclampsia is often not diagnosed in time, precisely because a woman believes their health norm. It should be understood that the lack of treatment hurts first and foremost a child. Take the mobile number of your doctor and check with him under any symptoms should call and report the state of health.

Later generations will be good if during pregnancy you have done everything you need for your health and the health of their baby.

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