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Strongest OTC Painkiller Medicine Pentalgin for Joint Pain

15 May 2017

Joint Pain

For joint pain (arthralgia) often complain about young people and the older generation. Such pain brings considerable discomfort: prevents move does not work properly and fully relax.

otc painkiller for Joint pain

Causes of joint pain

Exercise stress. Pain arising after active entertainment, long walks, intense exercise, usually are not strong and after a short rest or taking pills from joint pain. Often such arthralgia - a normal phenomenon, it is not dangerous and does not require a visit to a doctor.

Injuries. In their preparation can be damaged cartilage, ligament or joint capsule. Signs of tissue trauma can serve not only constant pain during movement and at rest, but the redness and swelling of the affected area. Taking pain medication for bruises, sprains, or dislocation is usually necessary first aid.

Arthritis. This inflammation of the joints of fabrics. Most often suffer from arthritis small joints of the hands and feet, a little less - knee, elbow and others. The presence of arthritis may indicate the presence of constant pain, difficulty of movement (stiffness) of the joints and swelling of the tissues around the joint may also occur redness of the skin over the joint. Arthritis can be caused by different reasons, for their determination and selection of the optimal therapy requires a specialist survey. To facilitate the patient's condition and reduce the severity of pain can help to correctly chosen remedy for joint pain.

Arthrosis (osteoarthritis). This is a serious disease in which damaged all the elements of the joints: cartilage, joint capsule, ligaments, adjacent muscles. When osteoarthritis pain one feels when moving and at rest, the tension in the muscles close. Over time, the joint begins to deform, the mobility of the joint decreases, the characteristic feature is morning stiffness. If at the beginning of the disease the pain occurs only occasionally, after considerable physical exertion, and quickly goes alone, then the progression of the intensity of pain increases, it does not disappear after rest and appears in the night hours. arthritis treatment should be complex, it is carried out under the supervision of a physician and usually involves the use of pain medication.

Infection. Often joint pain are signs of infectious disease:. Influenza, rubella, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, etc. Typically, these pains disappear on their own after recovery, but if they persist for a long time or disturb its intensity, it is necessary to see a specialist.

The analgesic for pain in the joints
Discomfort is not necessary to endure. Long-term presence of pain not only violates the rhythm of life and unsettling, but also limits the mobility of the joints and can also lead to a "vicious circle" - to increased pain and / or preserve it, even with a decrease in the action caused her factor (eg, injury or inflammation). The lack of timely relief of pain may lead to the fact that the syndrome goes into a chronic form. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents for the joints are able to quickly and permanently eliminate the discomfort. Many combined analgesic for pain in the joints, not only reduces the severity of the pain, but also affect its cause (inflammation, edema or spasm), as well as the perception of pain in the brain. That means such a combined preparation Pentalgin.

Pentalgin Tablets contain 5 active components, naproxen, paracetamol, drotaverine, pheniramine and caffeine.

Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and therefore reduces inflammation, edema and pain in the focus of injury or inflammation. Due to prolonged excretion of naproxen has a prolonged analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Paracetamol is a central analgesic - ie It affects the perception of pain in the brain, and also participates in the work of the so-called antinociceptive system of our body - a special system, whose work is aimed at the suppression of pain. An important feature of paracetamol is rapid onset of analgesic action - as a rule, within half an hour after taking the drug.
Drotaverinum well known and widely used in clinical practice, due to the pronounced antispasmodic action - shooting spasms in smooth muscles, and it helps to eliminate the pain caused by spasm.
Turning pheniramine and caffeine in the combined preparation due to their ability to enhance the analgesic effect of analgesics, which allows to reduce the dose of the individual components and thus reduce the risk of side effects.

Due to its favorable safety profile, Pentalgin released from pharmacies without a prescription. And thanks to the carefully thought-out composition, which ensures exposure of the drug to several mechanisms of pain, Pentalgin able to help with the pain in the joints of different backgrounds. The components of the drug have a rapid and long-lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

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