Best deal of the week




27 Dec 2016

This medicine became widely known after the Olympic Games-88 in Seoul when disqualified Canadian Ben Johnson who has just won at a distance of 100 meters run with a new world record for its application. Paradox: as it has appeared much later, Johnson stanozolol just also didn't accept... Nevertheless, stanozolol which the whole world knew, as a rule, according to the names "Vinstrol" or "Stromba" long time remained favourite "anabolic steroid" of athletes and swimmers. Until athletes haven't understood that to use stanozolol themselves more expensive - he has strongly taken the leading position in the list of medicines which "catch" on a drug test.

What to expect? Nothing...

I want to disappoint the reader who has asked the question given in the beginning of article: it is impossible to expect from "course" of the tableted stanozolol accepted on 50 mg a day anything at all. If only you not the woman are also not a happy owner of small "wealth" at 45-50 the lived years.

If, say, on hundred meters it is possible to be prepared for a running on one stanozolol, then for the bodybuilder, even a beginner, such number won't pass - to be prepared for competitions, using only, for example, Vinstrol won't work well. But it doesn't mean what stanozolol isn't present at an arsenal of pharmacological means of body builders - it is actively used during that "blessed" period which is called as "drying". However, in this case it is about an injection form of stanozolol and of very significant amounts several times exceeding the mentioned 50 mg a day. Though in the period of set of weight stanozolol use, however, not so often. I happened to hear from some athletes what stanozolol promotes increase in power indicators, and, in this case it is also about an injection form of medicine, and about oral. However, stanozolol in respect of growth gives strength to the majority exactly as much how many and in respect of growth of weight. That is, anything. Then why he is necessary? And whether it is necessary in general if to speak about the tableted stanozolol? You can try Pinealon.

For what he is necessary. Basic purpose of the medicine produced in the form of tablets and containing, as a rule, 5 mg of stanozolol rise in level of free testosterone. The matter is that in process of a smooth current of "course" of androgens and anabolic steroids, the amount of testosterone which is in blood plasma in an untied look also smoothly decreases. What, frankly speaking, isn't good at all. Oral stanozolol is designed to improve a situation. By the way, the most "breath-taking" situation with free testosterone is observed at the men who have entered, so to say, a maturity time. So at those representatives of a "strong" floor whose age has passed for a mark of 45 years, as reaction to reception of an oral stanozolol even some growth of muscles will be observed. Will gain very quite good effect which is expressed in growth of muscles of application of stanozolol and the woman. Here only him if they want treats the fair sex and further, I categorically would recommend to avoid this medicine. The matter is that reception of stanozolol is followed by the virilization phenomena, and, growth of hair in the most unexpected places, voice coarsening, increase in a clitoris and from absolutely insignificant doses of this medicine - literally one-two tablets begins.

What else it is possible to wait from stanozolol for? If to speak about the positive moments, then decrease in progestagen activity, especially pronounced at such "anabolic steroids" as nandrololn or trenbolone. So reception of "sound board", "phenyl" or "tren" should be accompanied with the tablets "Vinstrola" and to him similar medicines.

What do markets suggest?

Athletes with years of service with nostalgia remember Belgian Strombu - this medicine quite reasonably was considered as the most powerful among all, containing in quality of active ingredient stanozolol. Case was in a dosage here - each tablet "Stromby" contained 5 mg of stanozolol, unlike Vinstrol in which each tablet there were only 2 mg of the same active ingredient, and also as raw materials. The matter is that stanozolol is synthesized in Italy and in China. And so, the first differs from the second just strikingly. The Italian raw materials more expensive therefore to dare use it cannot each producer of pharmacological products.


Today the raw materials made in Italy are used in case of production of only three medicines: repeatedly mentioned Vinstrola which the Desma company nowadays issues, the Thai stanozolol from British Dispensary and Stanozolola of production Dynamic Development Labs (Mauritius). The last can be considered the most attractive offer if to proceed from a ratio "price/quality". The rest... well, it already at your own risk. Alas, but occur at us and medicines which not that are made not from the Italian raw materials, but in general any substance though bearing a faint resemblance stanozolol, don't contain.

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