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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacology stages of preparation

19 Oct 2016

Pharmacology during competition

Pharmacology during the competition must comply with the competition and the sport:

- Make the most of opportunities of the Athlete;

- Maintain peak of super-compensation;

- To extend the performance for the duration starts (during the day - at morning, the competition mode - night, for a few days - with the all-around, cycling, etc...);

- To suppress unwanted reactions without reducing performance.

Kinds of sports Energetics Adaptogens nootropics Antioxidants antihypoxants
Endurance ++ ++ + ++ ++
Speed and power +++ +++ +
Martial Arts ++ ++ +++ +
Coordination + ++ ++
Game + ++ ++ + +

During this period the number of received pharmacological preparations should be minimized. The pharmacological maintenance play a significant role of Adaptogens, High Power Drugs, Nootropics. Complex application of these drugs can accelerate the recovery processes between starts, provides high contractile ability of muscle fibers, helps to stimulate the metabolic processes in the brain cells, nerve endings (Pantogam, Semax, Noopept).

For competitive pharmacological drugs include those drugs that prevent the occurrence of metabolic disorders in this period, stimulate the processes of cellular respiration, enhances the synthesis of energy-connections. significant role of mobilizing energy resources plays an introduction of Neoton directly immediately after the competition load for repetitive starts on the same day (option - multi-day competitions) in species that require large short speed-force effort.

Furthermore, when multi-day competitive process must ensure pharmacological like base during the preparation phase.

Attention to the competitive doping: drink, food, pharmaceuticals should be carefully monitored.

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