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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

21 Oct 2016

Psycho-energizers (Nootropics)

In the period of intensive training loads or competitive activity of the body is in such a voltage that a violation of brain blood supply can be observed, ie, violation of its power, oxygen supply and normal functioning.

Nootropics increase the level of energy metabolism of the brain cells, and develop potential neurophysiological features and, as a result, lead to the removal of fatigue, increased levels of memory, learning information, memory, concentration, but do not possess any sedative effect or stimulative effect; very low toxic.

In sports pharmacology used drugs such as Aminalon (Gammalon - GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid), Piracetam (Nootropil), Phenylpiracetam, Pyriditolum, Encephabol (Pyritinol), Neurobutal (Gamma-oxibutyric acid, Calcium Salt), Sodium Oxybutirate, Vinpocetine, Cavinton- 1 table. 3 times a day, the course of 10-20 days.

Instenon is the only combined neuroprotective drugs in our country. The three components (Hexobendinå, Etamivan, Etofylline) comprising the drug work together, simultaneously, unidirectionally to the various units of the nervous system. Instenon efficiency is determined by a wide range of sanogenetic impact and cumulative effect of the impact of all its components. Instenon can be used as a tool that enhances physical and mental performance, attention, memory, normalizes sleep and mood, reduce fatigue and other symptoms of autonomic instability. Assign 1 ampoule (2 ml) / m / v - 1 per day (rate of 5-7 days) or 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Sometimes Instenon for better can be combined with Pantogam.

Piriditol, Encephabol (Pyritinol) shows elements of psychotropic activity.

Neurobutal (Gamma-oxibutyric acid)- a natural mediator and a structural analogue of GABA (a derivative of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid). It has anti-hypoxic, anti-amnesic, sedative, tranquilizing effect.

Available in the form of tablets of 0.25 g

Phenibut has tranquilizing activity reduces tension, anxiety, fear, improves sleep, strengthens and extends the effects of sleeping pills. Assign the neuroses and psychopathic conditions. At the first receptions may experience drowsiness. Receiving from one (0.25 g) to 3 tablets of Phenibut per day. Course of Phenibut lasts for 2-4 weeks. You can buy Phenibut

Acephen (Analux, Centrophenoxine, Cerutil, Claretil,Clofenoxine, Lucidril) - has a mild stimulating effect on the central nervous system, it activates the metabolism, improves the transmission of impulses in the brain. You can receive at the neurotic state. The course of Acephen is for 3-4 weeks and 1 table. (0.1 g) 3 times a day.

Nootropil (Piracetam) - when administered to penetrate into various organs and tissues, including brain tissue. Practically Piracetam is not metabolized. Nootropil is excreted by the kidneys. It has a positive effect on the metabolism and blood circulation of the brain. It stimulates the redox processes, enhances glucose utilization, Nootropil improves regional blood flow in ischemic areas of the brain. The drug increases the body's energy potential by accelerating the turnover of ATP. Improving energy processes under the influence of Piracetam increases the stability of brain tissue during hypoxia and toxic effects of metabolites in the training process. The drug improves the integrative activity of the brain contributes to memory consolidation, facilitates the learning process. It is also used in violation of emotional and volitional, asthenic-adynamic states. In a clinical study established the ability of the drug to restore and stabilize the impaired brain function (attention, memory, language, and so on. D.). It goes well with cardiovascular drugs. Take 1 capsule of Nootropil 3 times a day (usually 2 capsules. 2 times a day). The dose can be increased to 2.4 g (6 capsules. Per day). Course admission -2-3 weeks (with no extended up to 6 weeks of course pronounced effect). Repeat the course of Piracetam one can in 6-8 weeks.

Gliatilin (Choline alfoscerate) - improves concentration, memory and recall information. It improves mood, helps to eliminate the emotional instability, irritability and apathy. Gliatilin activates mental activity. Gliatilin can be used in the process of settling in new elements, "technical" methods in hard-focal species. Gliatilin can be used in traumatic sports (boxing, hockey, football - Headers, etc...) In the acute period of craniocerebral trauma. Assign 1 g / in, in / m per day, in other cases, 1 capsule. (0.4 g), 2-3 times a day before meals.

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