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Sports nutrition: the maximum effect without any damage to health (Continue. Part 7)

20 Oct 2016


No one doubts the fact that in modern life, with its intense psychological and physical activity nutrition issues are of particular importance. Nutrition and generally accepted principles of healthy nutrition are the basis of nutrition strategies to improve performance, speed up the recovery process, strengthen the immune system, maintain optimal weight and body composition.

How it looks in practice? Properly and tasty to eat while in fact very simple: the most important thing is to respect diversity and moderation. Good nutrition - means the total supply of the body with all vital nutrients from vitamin A to zinc trace element. Good nutrition - is a matter of proper choice of food products and their compatibility. We consume not an isolated vitamin A, cholesterol, fat and sodium, and foods that contain these food units as its components. No food alone can not provide all the necessary nutrients. However, there is also no food, which would bring a benefit only, or only harm. Therefore, the key to proper diet is always in an appropriate amount and combination products.

And if we are talking about good nutrition, it not only conventional products, but also specialized.

But before you think about a special diet and the additional supply of certain nutrients, you need to understand that a balanced diet is very important ground for life. It is a pledge of your health and well-being!

With the usual food we consume a variety of substances that:

supply the body with energy,

used as a building material of the body contribute to the development of an organism,

regulate the most important processes of energy metabolism and nutrition, as well as

protect our health.

In addition, all recommendations for food products, ie, the so-called food pyramid is the foundation of health, good mood and health.

The main suppliers are the foundation of a carbohydrate, such as corn and potatoes, followed by a large segment of fruits and vegetables - that is what we should eat five times a day, every day. Followed by protein products of animal origin, the two groups of products consisting respectively of milk and dairy products, and meat, fish and eggs. And complete the pyramid, finally, the products that we can only be consumed in small quantities, or enjoy them on occasion: dining fats, sweets and alcohol. Hand on heart, say to yourself, so whether you eat?

Specialized same products in the first place are the products capable to remedy the lack of certain nutrients in the body and are a welcome addition to the normal diet. Those who decided to engage in the strengthening of the muscles, or the destruction of fat, do not manage to do anything without specialized products.

When building muscle man must train, and consumed calories should compensate energy. In this regard, it is often said about the problem, called a "lack of time". This means that based on the time available and the load volume training is not always possible to take an adequate amount of calories.

If you want to get rid of fat, calorie supply must be reduced. To while dieting to burn fat and not muscle mass, the body is necessary to deliver the protein in sufficient quantity and, if possible to limit the consumption of fat. In this case, supply valuable protein concentrates protein. In addition, you are offered various alternatives to low fat cottage cheese or chicken fillet. Certain additives, such as, L-carnitine, Pantogam, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), plant extracts can further facilitate the disintegration of fat. It is important to remember that it is food, not drugs.


power can be deliberately improved by specialized products. In the selection of easy to take into account the individual characteristics of the person

specialty products do not contain additives hinder metabolism, such as, for example, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, uric acid and purine contained in many protein-rich foods. They can be consumed as a substitute for the individual fat-containing products

specialty products are varied and practical

You are a simple way to get the nutrients you need.

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