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Spinal Cord

02 Feb 2017

Psycologist Dr. Doping tells about the work of the muscles, spinal ganglia and the role of the gray matter in the processing of information

How does the spinal cord? What functions are performed by the horns of the spinal cord? Why does a person ceases to feel the sensory input?

Any shift of vertebrae - this is quite a dangerous thing, because there is always a risk that the vertebrae press down the fibers of the spinal nerves. Then human interaction broken spinal cord segment with the "floor" of the body: not go sensory input, motor or autonomic team. For example, our thoracic segments and manage the state of the stomach. If you shift the vertebrae, then the stomach is the wrong signal, stands out too much gastric acid, and hence gastritis and ulcers. Doctors are beginning to heal from this, and the reason is in the back.

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The cross section of the spinal cord - oval structure, almost round, and the peripheral portion of the cut takes the white matter of the spinal cord and the central part - the so-called gray matter of the spinal cord. The gray matter has a butterfly shape, in which the three wings. These wings are called the horns of the spinal cord gray matter. One horn pointed forward, the other - on the side, the third - before. Rear - dorsal, lateral - lateral, anterior - ventral.

The gray matter of the brain, including the spinal cord gray matter - are nerve cells and their dendrites, that is, the area which receives the information and processes it. We think we just gray matter. Front, side and posterior horns of the spinal gray matter of the brain process different information flows. Separating the functions of the spinal cord horns corresponds to the three main objectives, which solves the spinal cord: the analysis of sensor signals, control the internal organs and muscle control.

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