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Some Facts About Mildronate 17

08 Oct 2016

Whether it makes sense in conjunction Mildronate with L Carnitin? If so, how do they fit? How much is clear from the instructions Meldonium inactivates endogenous carnitine?

Of course. Carnitine drink twice daily 1000 mg. Mildronate 500mg take twice a day

Can I take Mildronate if I am not engage in a sport?

One can take Mildronate even if one do not train or race.

I began to inject Mildronate morning put 1 vial (5 ml), it is the rules or a lot? I hope to put within 30days

Yes, good.

Please tell me, I bought Mildronate in ampoules, I do bodybuilding, in what quantities it is necessary to prick and prick need to workout or after?

You’d better shot it in the morning. Or take 1000 mg one hour before training.

Can I inject Mildronate intramuscularly, or even did not try never in vein. And if you can do so you like to be with 5ml. Volume of not too much there for a single intramuscular injection

It’s possible. 

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