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Some benefits of legal doping

26 Jun 2017


Recommendations for use in sport:

- Accelerate the recovery process after stress, aimed at the development of endurance.

- Prevention and treatment of chronic degenerative physical overexertion embodiment of the cardiovascular system (particularly for the purpose of training under the conditions of middle).

- Keeping a high level of performance in a high-altitude climbing.

- Achillodynia and muscle tears.


- Reduce Fatigue / Boost Energy

- Increase Physical Stamina

- Relieve Anxiety / Improve Sleep

- Elevates & Stabilizes Mood

- Boost Memory, Focus & Concentration

- Non-Toxic & Non Habit Forming


Positive effect:

Physical strength

Energy during exercise.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) injection

Vitamin B12 is very popular amongst athletes who place heavy demands on their body for high performance. Even a small B-vitamin deficiency can result in reduced performance and recovery. Individual B-vitamin requirements vary and may depend upon the type and intensity of exercise, the amount of nutrients lost through sweat, and urine, and individual differences in diet. Those most at risk for the B-vitamin deficiencies include athletes who are limiting calories or have specialized, consistent or restricted eating plans.

Researchers at Oregon State University, published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, found that athletes who lack B-vitamins have reduced high-intensity exercise performance and are less able to repair damaged muscles or build muscle mass than their peers who eat a diet rich with B-vitamins.

Additionally, the heightened sense of well being that can result from supplementation has been reported anecdotally to contribute to increased motivation and drive which leads to better performance. Athletes that feel good perform better.


The need for antioxidant action, including as a means of inhibiting the processes of lipid peroxidation.

Hypoxic tissue damage caused by lack of oxygen during anaerobic training.

Different marathons - improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, reduces platelet aggregation.

Asthenic conditions, as well as for the prevention of the development of somatic diseases under the influence of extreme factors and loads.

The impact of extreme (stressor) factors.

The consequences of acute disorders of cerebral circulation, including after transient ischemic attacks, in the phase of subcompensation as preventive courses.

An easy craniocerebral injury, the consequences of craniocerebral injuries.

Encephalopathy of various genesis (dyscirculatory, dismetabolic, posttraumatic, mixed).

Syndrome of vegetative dystonia.

Anxiety disorders with neurotic and neurosis-like conditions.


Continuous intensive exercise.

Disadaptation (overtraining). As an auxiliary medicine.


Heart rhythm disturbances.


While taking Enerion improved coordination of movement and increases resistance to physical stress, increases the stability of the structures of the cerebral cortex to repetitive anoxia. The drug is effective in the symptomatic treatment of functional asthenia.


The main function of this drug is to reduce blood pressure. It is known that hypertension is a frequent problem in sports, which often requires medical treatment to avoid potential complications. Moxonidine is the optimal choice in bodybuilding and sports. The mechanism of action is associated with the excitation of imidazoline receptors in the central nervous system.

Activation of imidazoline receptors leads to the following effects:

Inhibition of sympathetic innervation (soothing effect)

Decrease in secretion of catabolic hormones

Improvement of microcirculation (due to vasodilator action)

Lowering blood pressure

Increase the secretion of anabolic hormone insulin and improve energy supply of tissues

Increased lipolysis (fat burning)

Reduction of lactic acid production

In addition, moxonidine reduces insulin resistance, slightly less than metformin, thus enhancing the anabolic effect of this hormone. Another positive point, like clonidine, moxonidine is able to increase the secretion of its own growth hormone 40-50 times. In this case, the drug does not cause side effects of clonidine.


Pharmacological action - anabolic, antihypoxic, antithyroid, stimulating fat metabolism. Refers to the group of vitamins B (Bt - "vitamin of growth"). It is a cofactor of metabolic processes that ensure the maintenance of CoA activity. Has an anabolic effect, reduces basal metabolism, slows down the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules. Promotes penetration through the membranes of mitochondria and the cleavage of long chain fatty acids (palmitic, etc.) with the formation of acetyl-CoA (necessary to ensure the activity of pyruvate carboxylase in the process of gluconeogenesis, the formation of ketone bodies, the synthesis of choline and its esters, oxidative phosphorylation and the formation of ATP). Has a fat-mobilizing effect due to the presence of three labile methyl groups. Competitively superseding glucose, includes a fatty acid metabolic shunt whose activity is not limited by oxygen (in contrast to aerobic glycolysis), therefore it is effective in acute brain hypoxia and other critical conditions. It causes minor depression of the central nervous system, increases secretion and enzymatic activity of digestive juices (gastric and intestinal), improves digestion of food. Reduces excess body weight and reduces the fat content in the musculature. Increases the threshold of resistance to physical exertion, leads to the elimination of post-exercise acidosis and, as a consequence, restoration of working capacity after prolonged debilitating physical exertion. Increases the reserves of glycogen in the liver and muscles, contributes to its more economical use. It has a neurotrophic effect, inhibits the development of apoptosis, limits the affected area and restores the structure of the nervous tissue.

Stimol - drug used in asthenic conditions.

Citrulline - amino acid involved in the urea cycle metabolism. It contributes to the normalization of metabolism and activation of the body's non-specific factors. Malate limits the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles.

Symptomatic treatment of functional asthenia:

Asthenic syndrome;


Increased endurance;

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