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Somatotropin Drugs

23 Aug 2017

Recombinant Growth Hormone, obtained by genetic engineering, is a biologically pure compound free from viral contamination, synthesized in genetically engineered Escherichia coli cells. Preparations of Somatropin, devoid of aggregated forms and preservatives, found their wide application, both in traditional therapy and in sports medicine.

Form of release, species and names

The drug Somatropin is a pharmacological agent that is available in the form of a lyophilized powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. It is packaged in 2, 4, 4,5 bottles. 6 and 10 units, and diluted with sterile or special bactericidal water, immediately before subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.

At the moment, the following drugs of Somatropin are available on the domestic market of sports pharmaceutical products:

  • Ansomone (China);
  • Hygetropin (China);
  • Jintropin (China);
  • Blue tops (China);
  • Getropin (China);
  • Genotropin (USA);
  • Norditropin (Denmark);
  • Zomacton (Germany);
  • Saizen (Italy);
  • Nutropin (France).

Of all the above, the most affordable for the Russian consumer are the recombinant analogues of human somatropin by official Chinese producers who are trying to maintain the quality of their products at the proper level.

Somatropin in tablets

How effective is Somatropin in tablets? In numerous studies, it was found that growth hormone has a pharmacological effect only when injected. As for tableted forms, they have minimal bioavailability, and therefore their administration is not appropriate.

According to the authoritative opinion of specialists, the Somatropin drug offered by some manufacturers is a dietary supplement (a biologically active additive) in tablets. It does not contain hormones and does not belong to the pharmacological means, capable in a short period of time to give a giant increase in strength and muscle mass.

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