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27 Dec 2016

Crystal somatotropin (it is growth hormone) from hypotheses of animals Lai and Evans in 1944 received, and in 1956 human STG was allocated. In 1957 Mr. Raben described a technique of extraction of human STG and soon showed its efficiency in clinic. The Italian sprinter P. Mennea, and subsequently and many other athletes was convicted of the use of STG in 1974.

Somatotropin is, undoubtedly, in the sports environment most "popular" of peptide hormones. As fairly noticed a few years ago in the Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness M magazine. MacCormick, if to see at least five magazines for the same month, then, at least, in three of them articles devoted to this hormone will be found. Nevertheless keen interest in somatotropin has reverse side a considerable part of what is written about it in sports magazines, has under itself no scientific basis.

Human somatotropin is polypeptide with a molecular weight of 22 Ltd companies and. e. the m consisting of 191 amino-acid remaining balance. It is synthesized and deposited only in hypothesis; at the adult content of somatotropin in hypothesis averages 3 — 5 mg. Intensity of secretion of STG depends on age. It is high in the first three years of life (above, than at adults) and reaches a maximum in puberty age. Night secretion of somatotropin by 3 times exceeds day. It is also necessary to remember that any sleep disorders or restrictions of a dream considerably reduce at night the level of secretion of STG.

Effects of somatotropin

STG promotes body height of a skeleton, body height and differentiation of organs, a body weight gain (sinergichno with sex and thyroid hormones, and also vitamin D). It is important to understand that developed thereof hormone of body height doesn't make immediate impact on an organism, and only stimulates emission in a blood of insulinoid factors of body height (IGF) and somatomedin through which action of STG is implemented. (The problem consists that the liver is capable to produce only limited amount of these substances. And if to enter hormones injections from the outside, they only induce a liver to development and emission of these substances, without making on an organism of direct impact.) Action of Somatotropin includes three components:

  • creation of optimum level of substrates for body height (carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, mineral substances, etc.);
  • stimulation of synthesis of factors of body height;
  • direct action on tissues in which there are Somatotropinum receptors.

Pilot and clinical trials of these components of physiological action of Somatotropinum were conducted in scientific centers of many countries. Nevertheless any of them didn't concern efficiency of use of hormone of body height in sport (in any case, such data in open scientific literature are absent). A specification of these researches is given below:

  • the most important function of exogenous Somatotropinum is the augmentation of somatic body height at pituitary children. It stimulates body height of a skeleton and soft tissues and renders the expressed metabolic effect in everyday homeostatic functioning;
  • Somatotropinum moves an oxidizing metabolism towards use of fatty acids, sparing a glycogen and protein for anabolic processes and body height;
  • the general production of insulin is considerably enlarged per day when using STG, and the increased sensitivity level to insulin of ferment systems leads to stimulation of a biosynthesis of protein;
  • STG stimulates mobilization of lipids from fatty depots, providing decrease of peripheral reserves of fat, reducing respiratory coefficient and enlarging amount of free fatty acids in a blood plasma;
  • STG stimulates body height of cartilages;
  • Somatotropinum considerably stimulates a protein biosynthesis, but the protein type significantly differs from that which is synthesized due to muscular work;
  • the muscular hypertrophy reached by means of STG is represented mainly a collagen formation result, but not proteins;
  • STG, perhaps, is effective at the catabolic changes caused by age processes and wasting diseases at straight lines and osteoporosis, and also for the accelerated adhesion of fractures of bones;
  • in the 1990s and so far pilot and clinical trials confirmed existence at drug STG of cardio tonic effect.

Metabolic effects of Somatotropin consist in accumulation of mass of protein, economy of carbohydrates and stimulation of lipolysis (release of fatty acids from fatty depots and their "burning" as a primary energy source). Somatotropin enlarges synthesis chondroitin of sulfate and collagen, strengthens a connecting tissue, tendons, bones and cartilages that, probably, and is one of the main reasons of the expressed augmentation of power indicators which is observed at some athletes. Some bodybuilders and power lifters are convinced that thus hormone of body height protects them from injuries which probability sharply increases parallel to body height of the working balances accompanying reception of anabolic steroids. Besides, the augmentation of bones, cartilages, tendons and internals does the athlete really massive that remains for long time. At use of Somatotropin allocation with urine of sodium, a potassium, chlorine and Natrii phosphates decreases. Activity of liver enzymes at the same time can increase. The period of circulation of STG is peering a blood plasma to 40 — 60 min., however metabolic effects of STG remain during 24 — 40 h. Please pay attention to Hondramin.

At 30 — 40% of patients application of somatotropin is followed by formation of antibodies to it, however only at 5% of an antibody have property to neutralize therapeutic effect of hormone. Against the background of STG-therapy the hypothyroidism in this connection it is necessary to control level the tireoidnykh of hormones can be shown and if necessary to begin their additional introduction. Among side effects of STG-therapy it is possible to mention slight anorexia and a headache. It is necessary to remember potential diabetogen effect.

Forms of release and medicines of somatotropin

To the middle of the 1980th years there was only a medicine of a natural somatotropin which was extracted from hypophysis of corpses. When in 1985 acceptance of STG began to be connected with extremely seldom found Kreyttsfeld's disease — Jacob (the chronic progressing encephalitis from the death probably of virus genesis) who involved weak-mindedness and death, manufacturers began to lay off medicine. Today already almost don't sell human somatotropin for injections (an exception — Lithuanian somatotropin); in many countries the ban on use of the medicines STG received from hypotheses of the person was imposed.

Today all medicines of somatotropin are divided by a method of their obtaining on homologous, got from hypotheses of corpses; synthetic, incorporating on one amino acid (methionine) it is more, than human hormone of growth; recombinant, received by means of genetic engineering. The last are the most high-quality medicines STG.

Medicines of somatotropin represent the light powder concluded in a glass bottle to which the ampoule with solution is applied (as a rule, it is Novocain solution). Ready solution shall be entered immediately or be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 24 h. It is necessary to store in the refrigerator and unused! medicine. Though biological activity of somatotropin begins to decrease only four weeks of storage later at the room temperature! it is better to store it at a temperature not above 4 °C.

Somatotropin in sport

Despite the absence of data on researches of opportunities of application of somatotropin in sport, experience of body builders shows that injections of STG can increase amounts muscles and reduce fat inventories. However there are also such! body builders who didn't receive even a share of the expected effect. Unfortunately, there are no reliable data about what ratio of the persons which reached and not reached desirable effect. In literature the following assumptions of rather possible reason of lack of results meet:

  • the dosage of medicine was too low and (or) it was applied insufficiently long. These problems are quite explainable as medicines of hormone of growth are very expensive;
  • training in the cool hall and (or). accommodation in a frigid climate suppresses release of somatotropin. Perhaps, this factor reduces efficiency is exogenous the entered growth hormone;
  • acceptance of glucose reduces STG-reaction. It means that if the athlete trains with the high level of glucose in blood or does growth hormone injections in case of a hyperglycemia, then anabolic effects of medicines of somatotropin can be reduced;
  • some hormones suppress or reduce to zero desirable anabolic effects of somatotropin. Progesteron and glucocorticoids concern to them somatostatin. The same is fair also for many neurotransmitters and their analogs: phentolamine, izoprenalin, atropine, etc. Some other drugs, for example, khlorpromazin, imipramin, morphine and teofillin also suppress release of hormone of growth and, perhaps, are capable to reduce efficiency of exogenous STG;
  • somatotropin was applied independently, i.e. in the form of monotherapy. The matter is that in case of acceptance of STG the need of an organism for hormones of a thyroid gland, insulin, corticosteroids, gonadotrophins, estrogen, steroid hormones sharply increases. Therefore if STG is accepted in the form of monotherapy, then the effect of its impact significantly decreases. In order that the organism appeared in an optimum anabolic condition, three hormones are necessary: STG, hormone of a thyroid gland T3 and insulin. Only in this case the liver is capable to develop enough somatomedin and the insulinopodobnykh of factors of growth. This anabolic condition can be even more strengthened by administration of drugs, having pronounced anticatabolic properties, for example, of a klenbuterol. However, those who are going to combine growth hormone acceptance with klenbuteroly or ephedrine, shall know that these medicines reduce development level an organism of insulin and hormone of a thyroid gland T3. Similar decrease happens when the athlete uses a tough precompetitive diet;
  • instead of this medicine of a somatotropin in "the black market" sold to the athlete a counterfeit or low-quality medicine with activity inappropriate to marking. Therefore even if on a bottle it is written that it contains 4000 ME hormones of growth, there is no guarantee that them not 3000 or 2000.

Secretion of somatotropin

The physiological components promoting emission of this hormone including dream, physical exercises, stress, high temperature and hypoglycemia, become less effective in the presence of the factors which are listed above.

The described factors oppress secretion of somatotropin, reached by use of the known liberator ("releasers") of hormone of growth which are based on a combination of three amino acids arginina, ornitin and a lysine. In particular, arginin becomes useless in the presence of R-endorphins which are thrown out an organism during extreme efforts and pain two conditions which always accompany the exhausting heavy training. Let's note that in case of growth hormone acceptance power indicators don't improve. Provided that the oppressing factors don't work, it can increase muscular amounts and reduce fat burning.

There is a point of view that means of stimulation of secretion somatotropin the most real alternative to its injections. From the point of view of physiology, stimulation of secretion of hormone of growth can't have that efficiency about which supporters of this theory speak. Inventories of this hormone in a hypothesis are limited, and the speed of its biosynthesis is determined by a genetic code of this organism. Stimulating growth hormone emission in certain time, we simply redistribute time of peaks of its concentration in blood plasma, but we don't increase its level at all. Moreover, it can adversely affect natural rhythms of secretion of hormones, including growth hormone, and waste for nothing of inventories of endogenous STG. Sensitivity of fabrics hormone of growth is maximum in case of peaks of its physiological secretion and is minimum when its level in plasma of blood is lowered. It is easy to draw a conclusion that mechanisms of an organism of the athlete will be upset.

Among athletes it is considered that from the mass of the medicines stimulating release of endogenous STG it is more or less effective simbiotropin (however it doesn't have scientific confirmations). Also the distinct ergogen effect of the medicine G-factor of the Russian IRON MAN line takes place.

Course of Somatotropin

Positive properties of Somatotropin (in comparison with other anaboliziruyush agents) for the athlete consist only that forces and volumes of muscles reached with his help, as a rule, don't decrease after the termination of a course. It is bound to augmentation of number of muscle cells. At the expense of it many athletes manage to progress many months later after the end of reception of Somatotropin. One more property of Somatotropin consists that its frequent injections to the same place can lead to "burning out" in this place of a fatty layer and to possible development of abscesses of soft tissues.

Side effects of Somatotropin

Among side effects of drugs of Somatotropin on the first place is risk of development of diabetes mellitus and a possible hypo function of thyroid gland. The formation of antibodies arising in rare instances on Somatotropin can be neglected. As for the strengthened body height of separate organs and extremities, they if occur, during the dopubertatny period, or in postpubertal, but only at people who suffer from a hypofunction of gonads (hypogonadism). At the people suffering from an endogenic hypersecretion during the postpubertal period there can come the acromegalia. Bones become thicker, wider, but isn't longer. There is a strengthened body height of hands and feet, and also augmentation of features because of growth of a mandible and a nose. The cardiac muscle and kidneys can be enlarged in the volume and weight. Often it comes to an end with offensive of the general delicacy, diabetes, heart diseases and premature death.

When using drugs of Somatotropin in sport it is also necessary to consider that the isolated their use has the minimum efficiency about what it was already mentioned above.

The mechanism of action of Somatotropin (in respect of augmentation of volumes of muscular tissue) consists in acceleration of transport of amino acids and their including in synthesis of proteins on ribosome; it also causes augmentation of amount of muscle fibers (hyperplasia). At use of drugs STG disintegration of fats amplifies, and the energy which is formed at the same time is used on anabolic processes in protein metabolism. It also considerably strengthens an erythrogenesis and reduces the need of an organism for erythropoietin. At the same time, however, STG stimulates development of the antagonist of insulin a glucagon and increases activity of the enzymes blasting insulin. Introduction of Somatotropin oppresses in an organism production of the thyroid hormones participating in the main exchange. In small doses they show also anabolic action. Means, the athlete is compelled will then accept thyroxine or triyodtironin.

The mechanism of interaction of hormones in an organism difficult also demands constant control from the doctor. Except biochemical indicators of a blood, it is necessary to control a hormonal background (levels of Testosteron, Progesteronum, Oestradiolum, insulin, thyroxine). Use of this complex often gives very strong effect, even at a long absence of use of anabolic steroids. A hormonal regulation of an organism is so difficult that the intervention in it can bring not only positive, but also negative consequences. So, at use of insulin there can be hypopotassemia, and reception of triyodtironin causes oppression of development of a hydrocortisone. Possibly, it can be one of the reasons of high traumatism which is observed at the athletes applying such complexes of hormones. Discovery quite recently of new hormone the leptin regulating fatty exchange proves complexity and obscurity until the end of hormonal system of the person once again. The fact that these drugs are almost imperceptible at doping tests do them attractive in preparation, especially at threats of a frequent and unexpected drug test.

At competent and rational use of drugs of Somatotropin need of use of high dosages disappears, and it is possible to avoid or minimize side effects of drugs.

Doping control

Somatotropin is included in number of doping substances, however "is practically "not caught" on a drug test that does it extremely popular among the athletes competing at the international level. However, perhaps, soon somatotropin will be forced out by the insulin like growth factor of opened by the American and Australian scientists which reception allows an organism to receive from the outside bigger amount of the substance necessary for development of own somatomedin and insulin like factor of growth. As for a question of that, it is how justified or the ban on use of medicines of somatotropin in sport isn't justified, obviously, only scientific research which can't be carried out to force of the existence of the ban could give the answer to him.

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