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Signs of White Fever

08 Aug 2018

White delirium (delirium) is a disease. It develops after five years of alcohol dependence. The textbooks say that it affects people about 40 years, but in practice there are also 18-year-olds. According to statistics: for 10 patients three are over the age of 40, and seven and 30 are not yet.

Signs of White Fever

The first signs of white fever precede the weeks, months and years of drinking-bout, as a result, nightmares and frequent awakenings begin to appear. In the afternoon the person feels exhausted, tired and in a state of depression.

At the beginning of the treatment of alcohol dependence, after 3-4 days, after giving up alcohol and developing delirium. And his offensive can be accompanied by epileptic attacks, which are provoked by various injuries and operations that coincide in time with the refusal of alcohol.

Signs of white fever begin with a disturbance of sleep, against this background there are hallucinations that accompany sudden changes in mood. Further - even worse. The person sees images in the form of moving small and large quantities of insects, snakes, devils, threads and cobwebs (mostly in patients the plots coincide). The patient perceives them as a reality - his phrases, actions and movements are guided by hallucinations.

Further signs of white fever are the appearance of auditory, tactile (creeping and touching), taste and olfactory hallucinations.

Periodically, during the illness, enlightenment occurs - when it seems that the person has become completely sane, but by the evening all the symptoms return in a more severe form. Usually delirium lasts 3-4 days, and ends with a strong sleep, after which many patients are in a state of depression and exhaustion. But sometimes in practice there are cases when signs of white fever pass gradually, that is, within 10 days.

Among the signs of white fever singled out the following forms:

Hypnagogic - hallucinations, when a person falls asleep or just closes his eyes.

"Delirium without delirium" - proceeds without delirium and hallucinations or they are weakly expressed, but the patient is afraid, he is fussy, excited.

The systematized form is a multiple hallucination and a persecution mania. In this case, the state of fear is extremely pronounced.

There is also a delirium with pronounced auditory hallucinations, that is, the patient clearly hears voices that condemn him, while anxiety and fear prevail. This state is accompanied by delirium, and with convincingly arranged in places "seen and heard" events and facts that are mixed with reality.

Atypical delirium is characterized by a combination of signs of white fever with delusions, loss of a sense of self-awareness and reality. Completion of this form of psychosis can be sharp or gradual, in the latter case, delirium may not pass.

In turn, from the atypical form of delirium, professionalism is singled out - when delusions and hallucinations deteriorate sharply, and motor excitement comes to replace. In this excitement there are some episodes from life - dressing-undressing, lighting a match. In such a state, patients are almost silent all the time and can "recognize" their relatives and acquaintances in strangers.

Reduced delirium - characterized by a weak expression and short duration of the main manifestations.

Severe delirium - most often develops against a background of chronic or acute physical illness and is accompanied by symptoms of mental illness with disregard for orientation in space and time, a drop in blood pressure, a decrease in heart rate. This form is characterized by an increase in body temperature, convulsions, impaired motor activity and speech.

A severe form of delirium can occur in several scenarios. In one case, the disease causes dehydration, vague muttering, pathological neurological reflexes. This condition can lead to death. In the second - the appearance of movements, which mimic the working activity.

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