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21 Dec 2016


Concussion due to a sharp shock is the most common head injury.

Upon impact, the human brain inside the skull beating on the walls of the cranial bones, causing a temporary disorder of nerves.

If the kick is not strong, and do not penetrate the brain injury itself does not occur, and for 1-2 days after symptoms disappear completely shake.

Usually, a concussion brings instant character, the kick must be strong and sudden, as if hit head on the ground, head injury in an accident, or a strong blow on the head with a heavy object, or with his fist during a fight or a soccer ball. You can buy online Semax.

Concussion called mild damage, not burdened by brain injury or penetrating head injuries.

Typical symptoms of concussion (requiring a doctor's advice):

  • short-term memory loss;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • vomiting, and dizziness;
  • irritability and lethargy.
The doctor draws attention to the patient's orientation in space, the mental state, motor function of the patient, recognition of loved ones. To eliminate the serious internal injuries, the doctor sends the patient to a CT scan. treatment method sets only after studying the patient's history.

The precautions in the event of deterioration, the family and friends give the memo.


There are symptoms that require urgent intervention of rescue and subsequent hospitalization under the supervision (danger signs):

  • severe headaches;
  • convulsive state;
  • vision hallucinations;
  • severe sleepiness;
  • reel while driving;
  • shifty eyes;
  • behavioral change;
  • turbidity of consciousness.

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