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Semax at Ophthalmology - Glaucoma

27 Jan 2017


Blurred vision, disturbance of color vision, tunnel vision, and sometimes pain in the eyeball may indicate the development of glaucoma - severe eye disease. Glaucoma causes death of the retina, the optic nerve fibers and, further, to total blindness. To prevent this and help restore operability eye drops "Semax 0.1%" used intranasally or by endonozalnogo electrophoresis.

Prevention and treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma - a disease associated with increased pressure within the eyeball - is one of the leading causes of blindness and disability-free. In Russia, from the disease affects more than a million people. Without timely and comprehensive treatment of glaucoma necessarily lead to complete loss of vision. This is due to the gradual increase of irreversible damage to cells of the retina and optic nerve conductive fibers.

What is glaucoma?

circular (concentric) contraction of the visual field on the periphery or, less often, the appearance of spots in front of the eye;
Reduced sharpness and clarity of vision;
Violations of color (especially green and red colors);
Pain in the eye and behind the eye (from mild to strong and weak pulse);
Blurred vision.

Consistently high pressure inside the eye is having a devastating effect on the retina and optic nerve atrophy. The defeat of the retina and the optic nerve caused by glaucoma, known as glaucomatous optic neuropathy.

Semax - an important component of complex therapy
Increased intraocular pressure (IOP) with the disease - not only the main feature, but the cause of complications in glaucoma. Elevated IOP Intraocular leads to disruption of blood flow, hypoxia and death of neurons and retinal nerve fiber membranes. Applied in glaucoma drugs reduce IOP and help maintain its normal level. However, the lack of normalization of IOP in glaucoma surgery may be the best solution.

Effectively reduce IOP in glaucoma drops or surgery may be enough to slow down the death of retinal cells and prevent further progression of the disease. Pathological chain of destructive processes, running elevated IOP in the structures of the eye, can operate for a long time.

Therefore, when the disease is required to conduct a comprehensive treatment of glaucoma. The most important part of treatment is neuroprotection using preparation "Semax 0,1%", which ensures the recovery of vitality and healthy activity of damaged retinal cells and fibers forming a dense bundle of optic nerve.

Glaucoma treatment preparation Semax 0,1% may be carried out at home and does not require a hospital stay during the course.

Neuroprotection in glaucoma
"Semax 0,1%" is one of the most effective neuroprotective drugs and performs a neuroprotective treatment of glaucoma, due to its ability to naturally restore job peptide stage and ensure the survival of nervous tissue under conditions of hypoxia. "Semax 0,1%" is one of the most effective drugs for glaucoma for the prevention of its complications. That is why a drop of glaucoma is recommended to combine with the conduct of additional neuroprotective treatment, which will provide nutrition of nerve cells and fibers, as well as their regeneration.

The unique complex action Semax at glaucoma:
Increased survival and plasticity of neurons in the retina eyes, to ensure their normal function even under hypoxia;
Improvement of nerve impulses along the fibers of the optic nerve and the protection of their shells from damage;
Reducing the intensity of local inflammatory reaction, edema and removal of optic nerve fibers, and prevention of atrophic braking processes;
Restoration of functional activity of cells in the retina;
Improving and maintaining sharpness and contrast of view;
Improvement of color and an increase in the critical frequency fusion of light flashes;
Maintaining and expanding the peripheral and central field of vision;

Rules of admission and "Semax 0.1%" Dosage at glaucoma

Receive 20 days;
2 drops - in each nostril; 3 times per day.
The course of 4 bottles; 2-4 courses per year; - in a bottle contains 60 drops. Instill produce strictly to the nasal mucosa, preventing the flow of the nasopharynx.

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