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After Semax and Noopept I've increased my efficiency, attentiveness, memory

18 May 2016

I was impressed with the effect after buying Semax and Noopept. My review is for those who have reached nervous and stressful period in life, because there is a real drug working scheme.

Pros of Semax: very efficient, better stores, increases the consistency of thought, clarifies the brain, improves memory, calms.

Contras of Semax: rather expensive.

Recently, I learned about an interesting scheme of taking nootropics, that increases efficiency, it is as if an increase in the hard disk of your brain! That is, it will be increased efficiency, but without any stimulation!

This scheme fits all - Semax 0,1% + Noopept. The course is for 2.5 months.

We are to buy Semax and Noopept and start drinking both drugs simultaneously. After 10 days, 0.1% Semaks end, just keep drinking Noopept using instructions.

Semax is an absolutely transparent liquid. When backfilling nearly burns the nasal mucosa and want to sneeze.

Semax is a neuropeptide drug. Neuropeptide build and protect nerve cells. Semax increases efficiency, without stimulation.

My impressions and experiences of the scheme Semax + Noopept.

  • I now have a hard time in life, due to the change of life stages. I suddenly realized that my brain can not cope, I'm exhausted, I became nervous. I realized that the need to support myself.
  • I drink this scheme SEMAX + Noopept for the third month, that is the course of treatment comes to an end. But now I can say about an impressive result - increased performance, memory and attentiveness.
  • About the performance I want to say separately. I stopped to be very tired! I feel like some kind of tank, that ready to work and work. And another feature of this scheme - I became even over the weekend to get up at 7 am, which did not typical for me, I am "owl"
  • About the memory I will say this, I have just become a fresh headed. I do not get tired as before, I have got a clear head, so my brain is thinking more productive, I began to think more quickly.
  • And I want to note that it has become tranquil, collected and cool-headed after Semax and Noopept. There was the internal peace of mind that also attribute to the fact that the brain becomes rested and fresh.

Now separately about drugs. I begin with Semax 0,1%.

  • This drug is dropped into the nose (nasal medication);
  • The effect of Semax I felt after dinner, at the second time of use: clear head, though vision has improved, my nerves have calmed down;
  • Let me remind you that I am taking to Semax and Noopept so positive actions of Semax 0.1% apply to Noopept too!
  • Upon receipt of Semax, nasal mucosa little tingling, I want to sneeze, but then a slight burning sensation passes quickly;
  • Semaks and Noopept referred to neuropeptides, ie they restore brain cells. The action of these drugs just cool like a rest and gain strength, and you are ready to move mountains!
  • I remembered this scheme and be sure to repeat if necessary. Believe me, the circuit Semax + Noopept just super-duper!
  • I buy Semax 0,1% and Noopept over the counter without a prescription.
  • By the way, in the instructions for Noopept stated that it sold without a prescription! That is, I conclude that it is pretty harmless supplement.
  • In instructions to Semax 0.1% specified sale with a prescription, but also stated that the cases of drug overdose was not observed. That is, this drug is also relatively safe.


  • A safe, effective drugs scheme of Semax 0.1% and Noopept. The Union of these drugs greatly increase performance, endurance, mental health, clears the head, calms the nerves. Thoughts become more productive, since nothing can distract from the process, in the form of neurosis and fatigue.
  • Guys, I recommend this scheme and the drug alone for every one!
  • Only Semax 0.1% should be stored properly - do not freeze, but do not keep at room temperature! Withstands heat up to 10 degrees, and then becomes a little water!

I wish you all health and bright ideas!

Someone from the Singapore - just purchased the goods:
Vitabact eye drops 0.05% 10ml