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Schizophrenia (Split Mind)

27 Oct 2016

What are the treatments for schizophrenia (split mind) are used in modern medicine that comes with the feeling I am a patient and who suffered from the great composers of the disease.

Schizophrenia - a mental illness in which the patient loses the unity of psychic functions: thinking, emotions, motility. The name of the disease comes from the Greek σχίζω ( «split») and φρήν ( «mind") and is associated with dissociation of psychic functions, the underlying disease. Schizophrenia manifests neurotic, delusional and hallucinatory disorders and personality changes - decrease in mental activity and emotional impoverishment. As an independent disease of schizophrenia for the first time singled out the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin in the early XX century.

The manifestations of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is extremely diverse in its manifestations. There are continuously ongoing and paroxysmal form. Central among continuous forms takes youthful malignant schizophrenia. This form of the disease occurs in puberty, ie during puberty boys and manifests the fall of mental activity and the fading of emotional reactions. Other continuous form - paranoid schizophrenia, which manifests itself delusional disorders and hallucinations. Among the forms of continuous current release also creeping schizophrenia, in which dominated shallow neurotic disorders and mild pronounced personality changes. Neurotic disorders with slow schizophrenia can manifest obsessions, depersonalization phenomena, in which the patient feels a split of the self, the patient doubt its existence in the real world, or a sense of loss of feelings for loved ones.

Sometimes schizophrenia occurs in the form of attacks. In some cases, it is favorable recurrent schizophrenia, where, along with mild bouts of remission occur, during which the patient retains his social status does not lose feelings for someone you know is almost healthy person. In other cases, with attack-like progressive schizophrenia, there is a wide variety of attacks, and personality changes are more pronounced than in the recurrent course.

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Modern methods of treatment of the Split Mind

The boundaries of the spread of schizophrenia are determined in connection with the position held by one or another school of psychiatry. While in some countries recognized diagnosis creeping schizophrenia, in other cases, these are regarded as psychopathy or accentuation of personality; while some psychiatrists recognize the existence of paroxysmal forms of schizophrenia, while others regard them as atypical manic-depressive psychosis, or third - endogenous disease. Due to the different views on the border of schizophrenia suffering from this disease in the United States it is much less than in many European countries.

The main method of treatment of patients with schizophrenia - psychopharmacology. In 50-ies of XX century there were drugs that are effective for the treatment of a psychosis, and other manifestations of the disease. One of the first psychopharmacological agents were domestic product "Aminazin", then circle expanded products, and there were tools such as "Stelazin" and "Haloperidol", and more recently widespread "Zyprexa", "Rispolept", "Seroquel". There was also a wide range of antidepressants that act on different types of depression - "Amitriptyline", "Melipraminum" "Remeron" and others. To prevent recurrence, using the so-called maintenance therapy, which is needed to maintain remission in the state, which was achieved during hospitalization. Psychotherapy also has a place in the treatment of schizophrenia. psycho-correction method is also widespread.

Patients with schizophrenia are often afraid to admit if they have some kind of mental disorder. But from the point of view of medicine schizophrenia is treated the same as all the other diseases that require appropriate treatment. Rehabilitation in psychiatry is an integral part of the treatment, and is a long and laborious process, the participants of which, along with the patient advocate, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists. Rehabilitation measures are differentiated depending on the forms of the disease, the degree of patient safety, as well as the type of mental health care: hospital, semi-permanent, outpatient.

Causes of schizophrenia

There are various hypotheses of schizophrenia etiology: biological, social, psychological, and even environmental. These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, and can be causes of schizophrenia in a simultaneous effect of different etiologic factors - for example, genetic predisposition, combined with the action of a virus at the stage of fetal development. Most researchers believe that schizophrenia - a disease with a genetic predisposition, which is implemented under the influence of environmental factors: toxic, infectious, hypoxic, psychogenic. The disease can be hereditary, but this is optional. It all depends on the genetic mosaic. But to date, predict whether a child is sick with schizophrenia or not, it is practically impossible. Genetic counseling that exist today are far from the truth. Patients often people are born healthy children, which may differ in certain particulars, but no more. Conversely, there are many cases where parents have a completely healthy child is born with mental peculiarities.

When scientists have only begun to describe this disease, they called it plural-glandular failure and drew attention to the violation of the endocrine system. If the patient is suffering from schizophrenia starts to gain weight rapidly, it is regarded as a sign of the adverse effects on the endocrine system. Some patients begin to gain weight, others lose weight. Change sexual function when the libido disappears or drastically reduced, disrupted menstrual cycle in women. However, no abnormality of the heart is usually not observed.
Psychiatry knows a lot of cases, when patients with schizophrenia live a normal life, including professional and creative, and sometimes people were outstanding in their field. Suffice it to recall Vsevolod Garshin, Constantine Batiushkov, Knut Hamsun, and many other outstanding writers, artists Edvard Munch, Paul Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh, the composer Robert Schumann, pianist Glenn Gould. Typically, schizophrenia is not construed as an engine of creativity. But scientists believe that the disease often develops in initial talent.

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