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Riboxin: Drug to Maintain Cardiac Activity

04 Jun 2016

Previously, I was prescribed Riboxin by a cardiologist to support cardiac activity, I had tachycardia (rapid pulse).

Riboxin has anti-hypoxic (improves blood circulation to tissues receive more oxygen), antiarrhythmic and anabolic effect. Riboxin derives ATP, an amino acid that plays an important role in the energy transfer process in the myocardium, and it is involved in carbohydrate metabolism. This gives the heart AFL energy to work.

Riboxin usually applied:

1 in ischemic heart disease,

2. to reduced blood pressure,

3. before and after myocardial infarction condition,

4. heart rhythm disturbances,

5. the treatment of cardiomyopathies,

6. myocarditis (on the background of physical overload).

Also Riboxinum use for liver disease.

And yet it is taken by athletes, to improve muscle power, increase athletic performance.

Take one tablet 3 times a day for a month, and so several courses a year.

Only this drug is not recommended to take after 6 pm, and it can cause insomnia. After it admission cheerfulness arises, you are full of energy, heart works easier.

After one month of taking Riboxin ECG data were improved.

Some believe that Riboxinum - useless dummy, but it is not.

I remember when I was 12, I came to the hospital with a diagnosis of "right atrial overload" and I have registered ATP injections. Better to drink Riboxin in tablets rather than in injections.

Riboxinum often prescribed together with drugs like Asparkam, and together they have a better effect.

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