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Rhodiola rosea

26 Dec 2016

Rhodiola pink, gold root (Rhodiola rosea L.), Aaron’s Rod or Arctic Root is long ago known in the east (and partly and in Europe) a herb. Rhizomes and roots are used, they contain glycosides, saponina, Saccharum, tannins, an essential oil, organic acids, fats, wax, flavonoids, Tanninums, proteins. The purified water drug of a gold root rodozin in clinical practice isn't applied, and used only for experimental works. Two main active ingredients of rhodiola pink are emitted: rodiolozid n-ocsi-β-etanol (or n-tirozol) also froze n-tirozola.


Drugs of rhodiola pink possess the toning and stimulating action and are applied at cold, neurosis, asthenic states, hypotension; they kill cardiac pain, fatigue, increase physical working capacity. The stimulating effect of extract of rhodiola pink on muscular working capacity is one of the most expressed (along with eleuterococcus), it becomes perceptible that at prolonged use it raises an animal force. The gold root normalizes activity of cardiovascular system (increases diastolic arterial pressure at hypotension and reduces the increased systolic arterial pressure, mainly reduces high heart rate and raises — low). It stimulates as well mental working capacity. It is considered that the central action of a gold root isn't bound to direct influence on a cortex of larger hemispheres, and it is caused by impact on hypothalamus cores.

Indications to use of drugs of rhodiola pink at healthy people:

  • as excitant at overwork during the rehabilitation period after somatic and infectious diseases;
  • during the work demanding the raised mental load;
  • for prophylaxis drug is prescribed some days before the forthcoming work;
  • to healthy faces with bent to astenisation;
  • for maintenance of working capacity in the course of performance and restoration after a long intensive exercise stress.

Accept rhodiola in the form of tincture (extract) 1:1 for 40% - m alcohol on 20 — 25 drops 2 — 3 times a day to food. Use as single doses, and long (several weeks) a course of administration of drug is possible. It is possible to prepare also independently water tincture of a gold root (the same as from a ginseng, only to insist 10 — 15 days). It is necessary to accept it 2 — 3 times a day on a tablespoon to food.

Rhodiola pink at oral administration.

Contraindications: drugs of rhodiola pink shouldn't be used with a high arterial pressure, the increased body temperature, and also at emotional exaltation.

Scientists from Perelman's Medical school at University of Pennsylvania found out that the plant is suitable for use as an antidepressant as it was proved, it can be compared by efficiency with sertraliny. At the same time the plant makes much less side effects, than tablet.


In 2004 physiologists of Catholic university of Leuven in Belgium found out that endurance and a saturation (saturation) of blood oxygen increased after acceptance of 200 mg of extract of rhodiola. What is blood saturation? Oxygen with which blood is saturated in lungs is transferred to bodies by means of special protein carrier – hemoglobin which contains in red blood cells – erythrocytes. Oxygen level in blood or extent of saturation of blood oxygen shows what amount of hemoglobin in an organism is in the condition connected with oxygen. Normal almost all hemoglobin is connected with oxygen, at the same time the indicator of saturation varies from 96 to 99% in the range. Decrease in level of oxygen in blood lower than 95-96% can be observed in case of a serious illness of respiratory and cardiovascular system, and also in case of the expressed anemia when considerable decrease in level of hemoglobin in blood is observed.

Rhodiola pink is a succulent, the plant having special fabrics for a water-supply. The Russian researchers who made experiments with extracts of roots of rhodiola in the second half of the twentieth century found out that rhodiola allowed animals to maintain longer heavy physical and psychological activities. For example, rats could swim much longer than regular.

The Belgian researchers asked a question whether rhodiola pink without delay after acceptance of a dose will work or it time before activation is necessary. They made an experiment with 24 healthy students. Researchers at first determined basal endurance of students then repeated the analysis twice: the first time – 1 hour later after students accepted 200 mg of rhodiola, and once again after they accepted placebo. Students shall ride a bicycle with tsiklometry (the device measuring the distance passed by bicycle) and every minute to increase the made energy by 20 watts before depletion. Belgians used the product made by the German company Finzelberg which included 3% of rozavin and 1% of salidrozid.After comparison of results of control and experimental group by scientists the following was established. At the group which accepted rhodiola the capability considerably increased in pulmonary ventilation (124,8 l/min against 115,9 l/min); the saturation oxygen, and also a capability of utilization of CO2 increased. However average amount of lactic acid in blood and average value of pulse practically didn't change. Additive increased time before depletion on average by 3%. However at one examinee time before depletion increased by 9,7%. One of properties of rhodiola reminded a research of amphetamines. Amphetamines become less effective if you during a long period regularly accept the same dose. When researchers gave rhodiola pink to the students within 4 weeks in a row, they noticed that the ergogen effect decreases, though not by statistically significant size. There is no need to accept rhodiola every day. It is enough to accept of it for an hour prior to high-intensity training or a competition to see and feel its benefits. Continuous use won't give the continuous growth of endurance. Unfortunately, the rhodiola pink doesn't influence power qualities of athletes. Scientists in the American army carried out testing nearly ten years ago to see whether the rhodiola increases force, and came to a conclusion that doesn't increase.

Rhodiola increases erythropoietin development

Many athletes can improve the indicators of endurance by means of the additives containing rhodiola. This bold statement is based on the research in vitro published in "The European magazine of pharmacology". According to research, salidroiz, rhodiola component, increases development of erythropoietin (EPO). Erythropoietin represents glycoprotein hormone, more precisely tsitocin, the main regulator of eritropoez which stimulates formation of erythrocytes from late cages predecessors and raises an exit of retikulotsit from marrow, depending on oxygen consumption. Medicines of erythropoietin are widely applied in the sports connected with high consumption of oxygen, for example cycle races. The cycling is associated with the loud doping revelations connected with the use of EPO.

Residents of the mountainous regions of Asia use rhodiola extracts to resist to symptoms of a high-rise disease. About two hundred milligrams of extract of rhodiola a day reduce adaptation time by Wednesday with the lowered oxygen content. A plant rhodiola pink contains such substances as Rozin, rozarin, rozavin and salidroiz. The most important and biologically active of them is salidroiz. The Chinese researchers found out what salidroiz in cells of kidneys and a liver increases production of EPO.

Salidrozid increases concentration of protein of HIF-1a (the factor induced in case of a hypoxia – 1) in cages. Cages make HIF-1a when supply of oxygen to them is limited. Stimulates with HIF-1a kidneys that they began to make more EPO. But how salidroiz increases concentration of HIF-1a, without forcing cages to make it? The mechanism via which salidroiz increases concentration of HIF-1a is that it blocks formation of HIF-1a-hydroxide - it is derivative of HIF-1a. More precisely, salidroiz inhibits enzymes which will transform and neutralize HIF-1a.

Researchers write that in addition to rhodiola extract of salidrozid was received, at least, from two other plants: tsistankh desert and privet brilliant. Though three above-mentioned herbs contain salidrozid as the main component, their pharmaceutical effect considerably differs. This fact leaves a set of questions to the Chinese traditional medicine.

Rrhodiola pink will help you to cross the finishing line quicker

The runners wishing to improve the results could be helped by rhodiola pink. According to scientists from Gettysburg - College in the USA, finish time of athletes decreases after acceptance of only one capsule of rhodiola. A few years ago the Russian researchers found out that experimental animals to whom they gave rhodiola pink swam longer. However if the rhodiola is accepted by people, effects will be shown not so obviously. For example, in certain cases it improves physical capabilities, and in some - No. In 2004 the Belgian researchers reported that, accepting rhodiola pink, positive dynamics at first is really observed, but this effect comes to naught if additive is used for a period of several weeks. You can also like Oftalamin.

In an experiment of Belgians Eric Noreen in Gettysburg College studied effects of single reception of a dose of rhodiola pink. Noreen made an experiment with 20 physically active students. Students had to pass twice on the exercise bike distance in 10 km. The programmed trajectory included a large number of hills with inclinations ranging from 1 to 5%. In the beginning students were given placebo before they got on the exercise machine, for the second time they were given additive with extract of rhodiola pink in a dosage of 3 mg on kilogram of body weight. The used extract included 3% of rozavin and 1% of salidrozid. Examinees in experimental group passed by bicycle 10 km in 25.4 min. after acceptance of rhodiola.

The placebo-controlled group needed on average 25,8 min. According to researchers, the effect was statically significant as decrease of time was noticed at each examinee. "Students noticed that driving the bicycle was less tiresome after acceptance of rhodiola". During the bicycle race concentration of enzyme of an alpha amylase in saliva of students was higher after acceptance of rhodiola pink. It demonstrates more active work of a sympathetic nervous system, so, the nervous system stimulated muscles stronger in a case with rhodiola.

How rhodiola pink works

If you want to function normally during the period of an extraordinary stress or if you the hardy athlete who is looking for an opportunity to overcome more intensive loads you can benefit by reception of rhodiola pink. Researchers of University of Zhejiang established how rhodiola pink works.

The scientists studying Diabetum love "game" with advanced substances which stimulate enzyme the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMFK). The more AMFK is more than mitochondrion, it is more than burned fat and the absorption of a glucose muscles is more. You can prevent Diabetum of the second type, having added exercise stresses which excellently stimulate the same AMFK to the way of life. As many people can't play sports, they hope for scientific research in search of the AMFK effective booster. Traditional medicine uses a rhodiola pink throughout centuries for treatment of Diabetum of the second type, high blood pressure, and also for fight against fatigue and a disadvantage of oxygen.

It would be excellent if the old kind rhodiola contained bond which stimulates AMFK. To be convinced of it, scientists subjected muscle cells of a rat in test tubes within 90 minutes to influence of the salidrozid which is active agent of rhodiola pink. Salidrozid forces muscle cells to absorb more glucose and imitates effect of insulin. When researchers added the AMFK-blocker, the synergetic effect of insulin and salidrozid disappeared. Therefore, salidrozid works through AMFK. Researchers established what salidrozid doesn't enlarge quantity of AMFK, but salidrozid enlarged quantity of fosforil AMFK. Fosforilirovanny AMFK is the AMFK activator. Immediately salidrozid doesn't stimulate synthesis of AMFK, but it forms molecules which stimulate this synthesis. "These results confirm the potential of a clinical use of salidrozid in treatment of Diabetum and its complications", researchers conclude.

Recommendations to application in sport

  • Carbohydrate loading before a competition.
  • Increase in level of physical working capacity.
  • Recovery period of training process.
  • Decrease lactate acidosis.
  • Increase in capacity an electron - a transport (respiratory) chain.
  • Increase in resilience of an organism to an infection.
  • Various dezadaptoza (overtraining).
  • Asthenic states.

Alternative source

Rhodiola pink (a gold root) is a grassy plant in which underground bodies contain: fenolospirt tirazol (oksifeniletilovy alcohol) and his glycoside salidrozid (rodiolozid) (0,5 — 1%); tritsin (flavonoid) and him 7 and 5 — glycosides; glycosides spirtarozin, rozavin, rozarin; flavonoids (astragalin, cempferol), tannins (to 20%), gallov acid, anthraquinones, essential oils, minerals. Elevated bodies contain: salidrozid (0,2%), flavonoids, benzopyrones, organic acids (oxalic, apple, amber, gallov), traces of tannins and essential oils. The main biologically active agents are salidrozid and tirazol.

It has the stimulating and adaptogen effect, improves energy exchange in muscles and in brain.

Contraindications to application is psychomotor excitement, feverish conditions increased HELL. The overdose can cause the increased irritability, sleeplessness and unpleasant feelings in heart, a headache.

Rhodiola extract liquid is spirit (for 40% ethyl alcohol) extract (1:1) of rhizomes with roots of rhodiola pink.

Rhodiola extract liquid is applied as excitant in case of aesthetic conditions, increased fatigue, in case of neurotic conditions. Medicine can be applied at almost healthy people in case of adynam and decreased work capacity.

Contraindications: excitement condition, hypertensive crises, feverish conditions. Medicine isn't accepted in the second half of day.

For the emergency increase in physical working capacity at healthy faces in extreme conditions application of doses in 5 — 30 ml of extract is recommended that leads to ensuring the emergency adaptation to adverse factors (including the external environment), to increase in physical and intellectual working capacity. Administration of drugs of rhodiola pink facilitates work at night. When using similar dosages the risk of development of side effects sharply increases, however it can be justified when the price of accomplishment of a task exceeds the physiological price of use of medicine.

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